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Xperia SP 4.3 update availability

Xperia SP 4.3 update availability

Here I will post the 4.3 update availability in several countries and the bugs found by each of you.As soon as the update is available in your country,please give feedback.Thank you!

The device is: Xperia SP


Country Date Carrier
 Belgium  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Poland  12.02.2014  unbranded,Polkomtel
 Romania  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Sri Lanka  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Australia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Czech Republic  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Germany  12.02.2014  unbranded,O2
 Pakistan  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Brazil  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Croatia  12.02.2014  unbranded,Tele2
 India  12.02.2014  unbranded,Vodafone
 Greece  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Iran  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Estonia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bulgaria  12.02.2014  unbranded,Mtel
 Philippines  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Hungary  12.02.2014  unbranded,Telenor,Vodafone
 Italy  12.02.2014  unbranded,TIM
 UK  12.02.2014  Vodafone,O2
 Turkey  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Egypt  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Switzerland  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Malaysia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bosnia&Herzegovina  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Indonesia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Azerbaijan  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Spain  13.02.2014  Vodafone
 Singapore  13.02.2014  unbranded,Singtel
 Lebanon  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Netherlands  13.02.2014  unbranded
 New Zealand  14.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  14.02.2014  VIP Mobile
 Russia  18.02.2014  unbranded
 France  18.02.2014  unbranded
 Slovakia  19.02.2014  unbranded
 Canada  26.02.2014  Virgin

Xperia SP discussion topic

760 REPLIES 760

Hi Folks,

I just don't get it. I have an Xperia SP, which is still running Android 4.1.2 and Build Number is 12.0.A.2.254. I contacted Sony Support about a week ago via the chat facility to ask when I could expect 4.3. It was like getting blood out of a stone. Needless to say, I did not get an answer. But I was able to establish that the ball is in Sony's hands. I should add that I bought my phone from Amazon and my carrier is Vodafone. As I use the Sony PC Companion, that is where I'll get any system updates from. So, my understanding is that Vodafone is out of the loop, which makes sense.

On the one hand, I am keen to get the 4.3 update as I'm led to believe that this version implements the all-important Trim functionality. But I don't want a flickering display.

I am in the UK. Am I the only Xperia SP owner that hasn't got 4.3 yet?



@jaypeecee wrote:

Hi Folks,

I just don't get it. I have an Xperia SP, which is still running Android 4.1.2 and Build Number is 12.0.A.2.254. I contacted Sony Support about a week ago via the chat facility to ask when I could expect 4.3. It was like getting blood out of a stone. Needless to say, I did not get an answer. But I was able to establish that the ball is in Sony's hands. I should add that I bought my phone from Amazon and my carrier is Vodafone. As I use the Sony PC Companion, that is where I'll get any system updates from. So, my understanding is that Vodafone is out of the loop, which makes sense.

On the one hand, I am keen to get the 4.3 update as I'm led to believe that this version implements the all-important Trim functionality. But I don't want a flickering display.

I am in the UK. Am I the only Xperia SP owner that hasn't got 4.3 yet?


Yeah, sounds like you have an unbranded handset, so yep, Sony get final word. I don't know why they just don't let people know what the holdup is.

As for Trim, forget it. I have the update and Sony have not included it. Useless!


Thankfully I'm wrong. Trim is there, but for some reason has taken well over a week to run on my phone - it's only ran once and hasn't actually done anything. Strange, but it is there alright:

I/fstrim  (  317): Starting fstrim work...
I/fstrim  (  317): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data
I/fstrim  (  317): Trimmed 0 bytes on /data
I/fstrim  (  317): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache
I/fstrim  (  317): Trimmed 0 bytes on /cache
I/fstrim  (  317): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /mnt/idd
I/fstrim  (  317): Trimmed 0 bytes on /mnt/idd
I/fstrim  (  317): Finished fstrim work.


what is TRIM

I still  have no update on  unbranded Uk


I can tell you that in the UK all networks ie: Branded phones have to aproove the update before Generic hansets get the update so it could be that a network is holding back whilst they put there own spin on the firmware and in turn delaying Generic release


@Thommo wrote:

I can tell you that in the UK all networks ie: Branded phones have to aproove the update before Generic hansets get the update so it could be that a network is holding back whilst they put there own spin on the firmware and in turn delaying Generic release

O2 and Three are yet to roll out the update - all the others have. Three are also the last to roll out 4G and I don't think it's a coincidence that 4G is currently disabled on UK unbranded handsets (pending the update).

@Thommo - do you know why this is the case in the UK? In all other regions unbranded got the update first this time.


Hi bojofbas,

You will find a very informative article about Trim on the Anandtech website. I was hoping to do a copy and paste of the full URL but this Galaxy Tab 10.1 doesn't want to play ball. I suggest you go to and search their site for 'Trim'. It is a very significant development on Android and long overdue.

I am relieved to know that I am not alone regarding the 4.3 update.



Hi Thommo,

Thanks for the feedback.

Your comment is very interesting. What a crazy way of updating firmware but no doubt it's like that for a reason. No wonder the process is painfully slow. That would also go some way towards explaining why Sony Support cannot say when customers will receive updates.



I have no idea why things work this way here in the UK, I just know it does - Yes it seems stupid but I guess there's some sort of unwritten code of conduct which says network branded phones are 1st possibly due to contract phones having been subsidised at a premium and therefor should be 1st


Hello, in Romania ( Vodafone) the 4.3 version 1.201 is there, I've updated my phone to this version and I'm very pleased with this version, it actually really works, the phone is much smoother and faster. They need to work again at the firmware cause there are little issues, but for now, I can live with them. Cheers all

This whole issue has really put me off Sony. How can the unbranded version receive the update so late?? I liked the UI however I doubt I'll be purchasing a Sony again anytime soon.