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i had wrongly restart my phone xperia sola while the reset is going on and now i cant turn on my phone wat can i do?
Solved! Go to Solution.
ok now the (SUS) detected my phone and installing software green led light is going on....nxt wat should i do
1st STOP creating new threads and posting all over the forum
2nd charge your phone, SUS wont work unless your battery its at least 50%
ok than u have too tel me by steps
after the downloa wat should do
download SUS > install it > restart your PC > disable your firewall and antivirus > run SUS > follow the steps
you MUST charge your phone
i had do all tat now my phone was connected to my pc and their downloading sofware (360mb) after thiz download wat should i do???
just follow the steps on SUS
ok thx very much if anything i ask you
ok thank you now i can use my phone normally.....:smileyhappy::smileyhappy::smileylaugh::smileylaugh:
told you