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Xperia Go gets Crack and scratch on its screen


Xperia Go gets Crack and scratch on its screen

Hi Sony Support

Greetings for the day.

I had seen the promos and advertisement of Sony xperia go, I specially want to quote "The first number refers to protection against solid objects; the second refers to protection against liquids"(as mentioned on Sony India website against Sony Xperia Go), which made my decision to purchase xperia go one month ago(from Paragon Udaipur,  Inv. No: 12/11014).

Unfortunately my handset dropped from study table (Height 2.5 feet), and phone glass cracked. I had contacted the Sony regional customer care, they told me it would not cover under warrenty. Product does not even fulfil its feature SHATTER PROOF SCREEN & SCRACH RESISTENT.It am feeling being cheated.

I would request Sony to please look into this matter and provide me screen replacement.

Attached is snapshot of phone screen for your reference.


Jagrat Joshi


yes we are cheated.. i am facing the same issue... my xperia go front glass broke just by slightly hitting the wall...i was shocked to this beacause, even very delicate mobile can resist that small amount of force but not sony Xperia GO


Hi Sony. I was quite happy with the performance of my phone (Xperia Go). After having it for a week it fell out of my pocket and hit the floor while I was running, bounced up and I kicked it another 10ft (accidentally) across the drive way. To my suprisement I noticed a crack across the screen, I was quite relieved as when I dropped my iphone it broke beyond repair. ANyway, long story short, I've been living with the crack for about two months now. The real problem arose when my touch screen started malfucntioning. It doesnt respond well to my touch and typing is an absolute nightmare, takes me at 4x longer to type a message because random keys are being typed or no keys are responding at all

Is there any way I can fix this?



I too have a Xperia Go. Its surprising that so many customers face issues which are so similar in nature. Its simply uncanny. I though Sony would take a note of this.

SONY: u can make all the technical citations of glass grade and protection standards you want to but u gotta deal with the fact that you are simply making phones with screens that are not built to last. Its unnerving that i havent seen this on any other android device other than sony's. I have 4 friends who are using various xperia models which have some sort of damage on the screen. And in all cases the crack was uncalled for, i have a crack on my xperia go which fell from my subwoofer (which is roughly 10 inches high) . Now please dont give me that bull of it being "scratch resistant" and not "proof" because a drop that low simply shouldnt crack a gorilla glass_NOT ACCEPTABLE. secondly ur repair charges are simply too high (70 % of the cost of the phone for repairs is absolute BULL) i was also asked to pay "inspection charges" at the Sony centre:meaning- they would charge even to tell me the exact cost for repairs.

The bottom line is that the xperia models are built with subgrade components at supergrade prices!!! Else please keep ur necks out of the phone market and stick to making home appliances and playstations. Because i know scores of unhappy xperia users now who have display issues


Sony, this problem is clearly from your side. Some of the phones didn't even survive a drop from a small height and and some have survived a lot of tough drops like my cousin's phone.  I recommended this phone to him as I know he is way more careless than me. :smileygrin: After a year since I last visited him, I looked at the phone and surprised, there were dents all over the device, also on one of the corners the frame around the screen has cracked, but the screen is in a fully working condition without a single scratch! He never used a screen protector on it. This is clearly a factory issue, it is surprising to see some Xperia Go's getting cracked screens when my sister's Live with Walkman never cracked when without a case falling on a bare floor and nothing happens.


Sony experia go

Yesterday my glass broke, fallen from my pocket and........


The Xperia GO is not "drop safe" sorry guys, I broke mine the same way.

It is usually only the digitiser front that shatters, the screen etc. is still safe behind the digitiser

there are 2 "solutions" I write them out here, but I'm not holding any hands. If you are in doubt you'll probably not be able to perform the change, especially the 2. option is not for somebody with butterfingers.

I recommend option 1 as it's not that expencive and it's far easier to perform.


Buy a new complete front ~$50 on ebay, remove the screws on the back, seperate the front from the back by opening the phone on the "right" side.

I can't remember which side you have to open it at, but the "wrong" side has two connectors and a glue pad, get a hint by looking at the replacement front.

Notice you will have to "force" the glue between the front and back of, it's not that frightening, but now you know.

When the two halves are somewhat seperated you will notice two ribbons from the front to the back side, pull the ribbons carefully out of the connectors on the back half.

The front is now disconnected from the back and you can connect the new front on the back side and assemble the phone again.


Only buy the digitiser, this will cost ~$20 on ebay, but is somewhat harder.

Follow the 1. guide to seperate the two halves, find a heat gun and start blasting the front digitiser, as it is glued on along the adge of the frame, once the glue is hot enough to loose it's effect, pry the digitiser off and cut the connected ribbon cable off if necesary.

Ensure the screen is perfectly clean before putting in the new digitiser, as dirt on the screen can crack it once you put in the new digitiser.

put a new thin layer of glue along the edge of the front

tip the top of the screen a little and get the riboon cable on the new digitiser through the hole in the top.

As the cable gets through, you will be able to align the digitiser and front of the phone up.

Finally let the top of the screen "fall" in place again and push the digitiser into the right position on the front.

Wait for the glue to drye and assemble the phone again.


The screen doesn't seem that scratch resistant to me as mine has a bunch of tiny scratches everywhere. Though they aren't visible at all when the screen is displaying something, I can't really figure out where they're from.

It also has a single deep scratch that's thankfully by the home button and not over the screen itself. The sapphire glass in my watch is raised slightly above the watch case and I think the edge came into contact with the screen. I'll forgive it for that one since saphire glass will scratch almost anything. 


it is a given that the screen easily breaks. we got caught up with the ad that we trusted it would be sturdy at least. but the price to replace the broken screen is just unacceptable. 


sir my Xperia go fell,
the gorilla glass broke and even housing also broke
when I took my phone to Xperia service center they told me that it can't be repaired it can only be replaced by new phone
sir please tell me what to do???

Same problem here
What to doo?????