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Sony Xperia Tipo Dual Network Problems


Sony Xperia Tipo Dual Network Problems


In the last month my phone has a big problem.

Seems that people are trying to make a call with me, but my phone sends a signal that does not have signal. When i look to my phone the signal is at the maximum rate. It's a big problem because i use my phone for work and my clients are complaining that they cannot reach me.

Can anybody help me?


Accepted Solutions

I agree issue is with Mobile .

Changed the SIM then also problem appeard.

After restart of phone also the problem was there only after removing SIM and again putting back it got back to working state.

View solution in original post


I would recommend that you first check with your operator so that there's network coverage for both GSM and 3G in your area. If you have two SIM-cards one will use GSM and the other 3G. If you only have reception for 3G or only reception for GSM only one of the SIM-cards will work.


Thanks for the quick answer.

I'm in Portugal, in one of the two big cities, so i have full coverage of both 2g and 3g in both operators (TMN and Vodafone). The problem is not with the operators because before having Sony Tipo Dual, i've had other phones that work perfectly with both simcards.

This is definitely a mobile problem.

What can i do?


I agree issue is with Mobile .

Changed the SIM then also problem appeard.

After restart of phone also the problem was there only after removing SIM and again putting back it got back to working state.


Have you tried updating the software in the phone? You can do that from
If that doesn't help i recommend that you contact your local Sony Xperia support for further assistance with the phone as there may be something wrong with it.



Coincidentally before reading your post i had made this actions:

- Turn off phone

- Remove battery

- Remove the simcards

- Put the simcards again

- Reboot the phone

Instantly, the phone is 10xs faster, the battery increase the duration, can now receive all phone calls.

I will test for a few days and i will see how phone behaves...


the phone is in the last update available.


I face similar issue. many times. The trick i use is go to settings-> more -> mobile network -> Network operator and register for network.  Even if my search mode is to Select Auto.

I'm surprised that the mobile show's full range but not able to make and receive calls. it works only after taking above step manually. I had given this phone to service center. after 15-10 days they just reseted software and gave me back but no luck.  

Problem is i need to keep checking all the time whether my phone is working or not and it is ridiculus.

I believe in case phone is not in range(may be in lifts or staircases) for few seconds the mobile is automatically not able to register back on network. can Sony please check these seriously and may be release a patch to help the phone redect the network auto.   For your info I use my phone at GSM only network mode. so 2G or 3G range should make difference.    FYI:  I have Sony ST21i. - single SIM


I face similar issue. many times. The trick i use is go to settings-> more -> mobile network -> Network operator and register for network.  Even if my search mode is to Select Auto.

I'm surprised that the mobile show's full range but not able to make and receive calls. it works only after taking above step manually. I had given this phone to service center. after 15-10 days they just reseted software and gave me back but no luck.  

Problem is i need to keep checking all the time whether my phone is working or not and it is ridiculus.

I believe in case phone is not in range(may be in lifts or staircases) for few seconds the mobile is automatically not able to register back on network. can Sony please check these seriously and may be release a patch to help the phone redect the network auto.   For your info I use my phone at GSM only network mode. so 2G or 3G range should make difference.  - FYI:  I have Sony ST21i. - single SIM


Buenas tardes.

Es el mismo caso que el mio, antes utilizaba otra marca y no tenia problemas.En la tienda que lo compre PHONE HOUSE, se lo he llevado 5 veces  y a reparar 2 , me lo entregan de nuevo y sigui con el mismo problema. Perdida de llamadas. Me lo cambian or otro nuevo y hace lo mismo. Quiero que me devuelvan el importe en la tienda que lo compre me dicen que ellos no fabrican moviles, pero les contesté que Yo lo compre en sú tienda (PHONE HOUSE)