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Sony Xperia SP destroyed after 4.3 update - a desperate user final thoughts.


Sony Xperia SP destroyed after 4.3 update - a desperate user final thoughts.

I have bought XPERIA SP at DECEMBER... almost perfect phone with Jellybean 4.1.2 .... everything was going extremely fast and smooth, after the UPDATE to Android 4.3 my phone is completely USELESS... literally nothing is working without LAG , LAG , LAAAAGGGG !

The leds dont work , the call button works after a lot seconds... , walkman turns off by itself , the ram is depleted only 100mb free , the phone generally lags anytime in anyway! , about the half of default applications come up with the "Its not responding (Wait , Close , Report) " error

This is the last time i give my money and trust in SONY . This is the biggest failure purchase i have ever done... 299 euros at the garbage...

PS. Oh some info --> Called sony and we made REPAIR by Companion , NOTHING! , Called sony again we did Fresh re-install via SUS ... NOTHING .... went to SONY SERVICE and after 3 days they gave me the same phone with the SAME BUGGY software with the same EXACT problems... because its not ANDROID's fault BUT ROM's fault .

All the problems here are with new clean updated phone via SUS and factory reset after that so nothing can go wrong,,, but NOTHING .

And still nothing like a rollback to 4.1 to repair our devices or a new software update that resolves these issues after 2 months of silence from SONY. I know because i am a programmer that takes a lot of hours to debug and make new update from scratch but its not my concern i demand my phones integrity to be as like it was at the beginning.

I cant do something else , i'm just feeling unlucky and sad because i lost a lot of money . (i'm trying to remember the 2 months of the phone's brilliant usage with android 4.1.2 )


I believe that very few owners of Xperia SP will buy in the future another device Sony after this disaster with updates full of bugs.

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I was not a fan of the 4.3 update and was stuck when I had it as it was on a non unlockable bootloader. That was when I found a firmware called existenz which was fast and lag free and didn't need an unlocked bootloader. Then cm10.2, cm11 and recently cm12 for locked bootloader came along. It was a shame my phone was half way dead by then and is now completely dead. 4.3 stock is better on my xperia t but I liked the xperia sp for cyanogen mod on locked bootloader support.

It 's amazing that we are forced to go on unofficial rom ... No support from Sony, nothing ... Yet this phone promised really well, could have Kitkat without problems, but nothing.
I do not know when Sony will understand that more it will update the phones, will sell more.
It has nothing to do the markeing in all this ... If Sony had updated Xperia SP to Kitkat, people would still have bought Xperia M2 for the simple fact that it is newer than the SP.


My xperia sp running 4.3, 12.1.A.1.205 is full of bugs..

1. Horribly slow.
2. Walkman crashing every now and then while browsing
3. Walkman sound unstable (with clearbass on)
4. Illuminated led sometimes works with third party music app sometimes don't

Are there any updates in the pipeline? Please let me know
M specially fedup with this Walkman stuff, as I listen to music a lot.