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Problem with microSIM


Problem with microSIM

Hi i have one little problem.I live in Czech Republic.So when I insert microsim to mobile and switch on, my mobile show me no sim card.I restart mobile and nothing happened.So could you help me?Thanks


When I insert sim card, my phone will automatically restart but sim card do not work.

I have latest version 6.1.A.2.45 and I live in Czech Republic.

Please what I should do?


try with another carrier sim card.. lol

best for you to have it serviced from where you brought your unit..


You think that I have phone from T-Mobile that there will go sim card only from T-Mobile? Because I tried only Vodafone sim card. I do not understand because my phone is unlocked


well i used to have some reboot problem with one carrier and not with the other ones.. somebody in here insisted it was a sim card issue but it was not.. apparently it was an ICS issue becuase since the 6.1.A.2.45 update, i have not had any problems yet..

why arent you trying to have it taken a look at a sony service center? or contacted the store from where you brought it?


Ok, I will try different carrier and I will see.

I would like take a look at a sony service center but I bought this mobile via ebay Slightly_frowning_Face


aw.. hope it was really a brand new unit you got from ebay.. Slightly_smiling_Face there are things i'd rather buy from a store than through the likes of ebay... check the return policy from where you brought it from, but i guess that would sometimes be a hassle..

anyway, i'd suggest that

1. if your current micro sim works on other phones, then your micro sim is probably not the issue.

2. if you can borrow a working micro sim of the same carrier and test it on your phone and it still is not being detected, it might be a phone issue

3. to rule out a possibility of a phone issue, try a different carrier sim, if the problem exists, you have to contact your ebay seller for possible replacement, or if not an option, find a service center if it is under warranty (chances are if its not in warranty, you will end up paying for parts that might need replacement).

4. also try to check if wifi is working, radio, cam, hdmi output.. etc..


Yes I have new phone.

Thank you for your help!


May be your sim is slightly dislodged ..Try to remove and place it again... If you still get that error it might be the network restriction in your phone that does not support your sim network..did you try to insert some other network sim card? In this case you can get it your phone network unlocked from any vendors online like