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Phone constantly overheats, shutting down constantly, sim card removed?
The drain on the battery lately is shocking, doesn't even last for an hour, had it for over a year, no bother, but this is doing my head in.
Any help greatly received.
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Check if the same occurs in safe mode:
oops only just saw this reply, forgot i had posted it, even in safe mode, still does the same.
i have been speaking to someone else who has the same phone as me and apparently
Sony are aware of the problem, but he gets rebuffed by them all the time and told to speak to his network provider!
so not much help from Sony there.
I am sorry to hear this,do you want to try a software repair?
if it means hooking it up to my pc, this is now ineffectual, as it keeps saying doesn`t recognise the hardware, even after an un-install and a re-install
ok my phone is doing exactly the same thing shutting down suddenly draining the battery each and every time i try to use it for anything whether its texting fb or a game or just unlocking the phone.
had my T for just over a year and it started last week. Last night it constantly turn on started up and bombed restarted itself tried to fix it self ansd then bombed again. i put the phone on charge with it turned off and it now wont turn on wont even charge and its not even trying and when i press the power button i now get 3 flashes of red in a row.
i'm running out of patiance withit and i cant even borrow a firends spare phone becuase its a micro sim. HELP!
I've been having the exact same problem and quite a few others have since the 4.3 update. So far nothing, and contact with Sony points to either PC Companion software or a Factory Reset, tried both several times and completely useless. Now I just have a phone that is always switching oof AND constantly updating.
Hi just a quick update on my seemingly never ending problems with this phone:-
for the last few days i have been letting the battery drain completely until it switches itself off, then charging it,but not completely charged to 100%, say 92-93%,drain the battery again to Zero,charge to 92-93% again,drain the battery completely to Zero again and then fully charge to 100%
When charging the phone, i don`t leave it on, i switch it off so the green battery logo is present, nothing else. for the last two days i have been totally discharging the battery(zero) and charging until full(100%) and low and behold i have had no problems with it shutting down or overheating,now i know this would probably not work for everyone but at least it`s worth a try and you may have the same result as me and fall in love with the phone all over again.
Unfortunately this is a known problem that hasn't been resolved as yet - seemingly from the Jelly Bean 4.3 pushed update. I'm not sure how hard Sony are working to resolve this issue on one of their 'getting older' mobiles but fingers crossed. They have also done really well to keep it out of the public domain.....
Even a hard reset put Jelly Bean 4.3 back on .
I await a solution