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McAfee problem!pls help!

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McAfee problem!pls help!

hi guys,, i have sony erricson xperia mini pro and i have huge problem..

i have installed mcafee security program and it works ok but 2 days ago, while i was using my xperia as mobile access point to my laptop,, at one moment he just blocked my mobile and wants me to put password to open it! and i forgot it.

on a screen it says,,this device has been locked,please contact(my wifes number, i remember i put her as buddie),to return menu to enter your pin and unlock the device!

then i can choose to write a pin (which i forgot), or if i go on *forgot pin?* he says me,,,a random temporary pin will be sent to your buddies via SMS. do you wish to send temporary pin? and when i press YES,, it open new window,,,Temporary pin error,,please put in a valid sim and make sure there is conectivity!!!

i already checked my sim, and its working in other device,,and conectivity is also good..

what to do,,anybody!! i dont recall that password!!!


Accepted Solutions

Update/Repair your phone via PCC OR SUS

PCC (PC COMPANION) – Repair your software with this .First do the setup without connecting your mobile to pc.(only connect when you are asked to).

Do it as follow >> PCC > SUPPORT ZONE> SOFTWARE UPDATE> REPAIR SOFTWARE (written with blue) 

PC Companion

SUS ( Sony Update Service)  ... download and install it on pc and follow the on-screen instructions


both the links are same

i wish i hope i pray it helps Slightly_smiling_Face

View solution in original post


software repair would fix this issue, but lets try somthing else first

i don't know if it will work or not but no harm in trying

switch off your mobile and wait for 30 seconds> power on your mobile and as soon as you press the power button and your phone vibrates,,,,  immediately press menu key again and again( or press and hold) till your mobile switches on,,, it would enter into safe mode

if menu key doesn't work then try with volume keys or back key

after entering safe mode, go to settings> applications> manage app> all > mc afee> uninstall

see if you are successfullllll Slightly_smiling_Face

Not applicable


thx for your reply,,but no use,whatever i do, always same opens...but you said that softevare repair would fix the isuue!? what you mean by that!? my provider told me to call sony ericsson help centre but tommorrow cause they dont work on sunday here..


not sony members, but mcafee members might help . Try to contact them

Software repair means reinstalling your phone's software .. it would delete all phone's data , you would loose all contacts, sms, apps.

do you want to  repair your phone ?

Not applicable

of course i do!!! what to do!


Update/Repair your phone via PCC OR SUS

PCC (PC COMPANION) – Repair your software with this .First do the setup without connecting your mobile to pc.(only connect when you are asked to).

Do it as follow >> PCC > SUPPORT ZONE> SOFTWARE UPDATE> REPAIR SOFTWARE (written with blue) 

PC Companion

SUS ( Sony Update Service)  ... download and install it on pc and follow the on-screen instructions


both the links are same

i wish i hope i pray it helps Slightly_smiling_Face

Not applicable

thx dude ill try  and msg you the news,,but tommorrow cause im too f.....g tired and at the moment i can only take hammer and make pancake of it :smileyhappy:! bb,thx again


yeah sure
take it easy
all the best Slightly_smiling_Face

remember to post the results,, Slightly_smiling_Face

Not applicable

one more question pls,,if you can send me some link where i can write to McAfee with my problem,,im from Croatia and we dont have their people here:(