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How to Root Sony Ericsson Live With Walkman (WT19i)


How to Root Sony Ericsson Live With Walkman (WT19i)

hello all,

i used sony live with walkman WT19i .

Runing on android 4.0.4  build no. is 4.1b.0.587. want to install root access my phones bootloader is unlocked =yes

i try all rooting process which is placed here . but i did not  get succesed plz help into rooting my lww phone.

thanks and regards



Accepted Solutions

  1. For the first step, you must download a few apps and save them to your PC. Don’t worry as the tools are free distributed.
  2. Download Flash tool here, Firmware WT19i_4.0.2.A.0.58 (use this link), Doom lord rooting kit (from here) and CWM Recovery image (download link here).
  3. First of all unzip the Flash tool file and install the same on your computer.
  4. Then, unzip the firmware; you will get the .ftf file. Go and place it to the “C:/Drive > flashtool > firmwares>”.
  5. Make sure that there are no other files stored in the up mentioned directory. If different delete the firmware and then place the .ftf file.
  6. Connect the smartphone with the computer.
  7. Open flash tool, go to “file” and select “flash mode”.
  8. Click “ok”.
  9. From the list that opens select “Wipe User Data” and “Wipe Cache” and click “ok”.
  10. In the end the handset will reboot.
  11. Turn it off and reboot by pressing volume down, home and power button.
  12. Flash the firmware with flashing tool.
  13. Go to your PC and unzip the Doomlord root kit.
  14. Run the “runme.bat” executable (your device must be connected with the computer).
  15. You can update your phone from “Settings -> About Phone”; don’t do the same by using the PC Companion.
  16. When the update operation is finished, go to the PC and unzip CWM.
  17. Install and then run the second file script: wt19i.install-cmw2.cmd.
  18. Make sure USB debugging mode enabled and displays screen timeout set to 10min.

That was all. Your Sony Xperia Live Walkman WT19i should now be rooted. The up-detailed method was developed and tested by those of xda-developers so we have them to thanks for the same. Do tell us how things worked for you; if you had issues we will try to help you out. Stay close for further Android related how to guides.

View solution in original post


  1. For the first step, you must download a few apps and save them to your PC. Don’t worry as the tools are free distributed.
  2. Download Flash tool here, Firmware WT19i_4.0.2.A.0.58 (use this link), Doom lord rooting kit (from here) and CWM Recovery image (download link here).
  3. First of all unzip the Flash tool file and install the same on your computer.
  4. Then, unzip the firmware; you will get the .ftf file. Go and place it to the “C:/Drive > flashtool > firmwares>”.
  5. Make sure that there are no other files stored in the up mentioned directory. If different delete the firmware and then place the .ftf file.
  6. Connect the smartphone with the computer.
  7. Open flash tool, go to “file” and select “flash mode”.
  8. Click “ok”.
  9. From the list that opens select “Wipe User Data” and “Wipe Cache” and click “ok”.
  10. In the end the handset will reboot.
  11. Turn it off and reboot by pressing volume down, home and power button.
  12. Flash the firmware with flashing tool.
  13. Go to your PC and unzip the Doomlord root kit.
  14. Run the “runme.bat” executable (your device must be connected with the computer).
  15. You can update your phone from “Settings -> About Phone”; don’t do the same by using the PC Companion.
  16. When the update operation is finished, go to the PC and unzip CWM.
  17. Install and then run the second file script: wt19i.install-cmw2.cmd.
  18. Make sure USB debugging mode enabled and displays screen timeout set to 10min.

That was all. Your Sony Xperia Live Walkman WT19i should now be rooted. The up-detailed method was developed and tested by those of xda-developers so we have them to thanks for the same. Do tell us how things worked for you; if you had issues we will try to help you out. Stay close for further Android related how to guides.


thanks sir,

i try all above steps .

when i start rooting after finishing flashtool says : SEE YOU MOBILE SCREEN AND YOU HAVE 60 SECOND TO RESTORE DEVICE AT THAHT TIME WHAT WILL I DO ??




I have no idea - All I did was copy and paste the info provided - But it says to boot your phone after Flashtools and run the Doomloard runme.bat file



Have you any direct dwonload link for "Doomloard runme.bat" for build ver.="4.1.b.0.587"

help me to resolved 




Try this here - Click on File top left then Download


yesterday again start flashing with "st18_4.1.a.0.562_kernel.ftf" this kernal after flashing when i power on phone there is no display/ blanck display still 30 min i check black display .and in the doomloard rootkit device not found error.

and then i restore old kernel "wt19_4.1.b.0.587_kernel" and power on phone then all working fine and when i run doomloard rootkit device found but read only permission. not done.

 help me whick kernel i install for rooting 

have you any kernel which is supported sony wt19i.


can you please tell me how to install cwm for wt19i(unrooted) and most neccessarily where to download it from.