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I am still facing Gujarati font problem...It is not readable when any message on message box or whatsapp..I have download Panini Keyboard to resolved the issue but not decoding has been done..Eailer i wrote but no specific reply was given..In your software not option of Gujarati font...
Whow can i asses Gujarati message as well as writing the language..
I can not view other language message at messaging...How can i use multipal language for messaging both receiving and sending messages..
Can you please describe what's happening a bit more detailed? What language is it that you can't read?
You can enable more languages for the keyboard under Settings -> Language & input -> Xperia keyboard -> Writing languages.
Not Gujarati language I want to use..Please advise me for Gujarati writing and reading procedure..
As i understand it, Android doesn't have any native support for Gujarati. We did forward this as feedback internally some time ago but i don't have any information regarding when/if it will be supported. At the moment i can only recommend that you check Google Play to see if there are any 3:rd party apps that supports it.
There are PANINI KEYBOARD for gujarati language but it is not supported by Sony xperia T3 phone software..i think proble of unicode may be persist..
Is there any solution for any message received in Gujarati language can read at my T3.