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FATAL Ray Problem After ICS 4.0.4 update


FATAL Ray Problem After ICS 4.0.4 update

i don't know how to explain this... but

i had .42

then .62

then 4.0.3

all with the usual problems/bugs everone had...

but... after 4.0.4 update, a big problem appeared...

whenever the screen is ON, and i leave it idle till the light fades, then it goes OFF.. right?
if i press ANY key instantly after it goes OFF, it goes back ON

if i am late 1-2 seconds, it turns back ON to a BLANK BLACK screen (like the one when you turn the phone ON and there's no logo yet)

no whatever i do it stays BLACK...

if i press the above lockscreen button, it turns OFF, i press again, BLACK again...

i have only ONE SOLUTION
leave the phone for 30 seconds minimum...

then when i press any key, it gives me the lockscreen screen...

now what sucks even more...

i tird reverting back to .42

and the problem persists ... so i guess 4.0.4 caused some hardware screen issue !!! Slightly_frowning_Face

help Slightly_frowning_Face


Gave it to the Ser Centre ,they made me wait for 1.5 hrs and then took my phone for software updation.When I called them the next day,they told it was a display problem and would take 20 days to repair it.Illl be leaving the city in 10 days.I sicerely ask sony to improve its service,I mean 20 days to reapir a frequent problem is ridiculous.


went today to the service centre,they told me that it will take more than 1 week for repairing,since they dont have the spare parts

Thank you Sony for prompt service Angry_Face
Ill be leaving to another city now and right now using Nokia which is much better


Got a msg from service centre that the phone has been repaired,but now Im 700 kms away,have to ask my friend to collect and courier it:smileyconfused:


I happily went to service centre and believed it to be true
When I went and checked it wasnt even starting.I went and gave back the phone and after 2 hrs he again says that it will take 1 week for repairing.
Is this a joke Sony:smileyangry:,I request you';; not to play with the customers.
A person without a phone for more than 1 month and still I m not sure that the problem will be resolved.

The phone will be out of warranty in 1 month and I dont think Sony will play cheap tricks to pull some money out of me


this is a one hell of phone experience, this my third SE phone, and i confessed myself, will never ever buy a sony mobile. I had to wait sometimes a half-day even just to read text message i've recieved.

warrenty for the phone was already void and I've been expereincing this for months. Finally found the authorise dealer for Sony in Sri Lanka.

Reading the whole thread, i feel to give  one last shot by giving the phone to service centre asking for replacement, I hope they will do the replacement without mounning like 80 year old granny.

i updated the phone twice and did what ever it could take if it was to resolve but didnt work anything.

keep you updated!


OMG, that's exactly what happened to me...

they call saying it's DONE

i go, phone does not EVEN start up

they say ok, another week...

THEN, they replaced it after - i think - they did some permenant damage to it Slightly_smiling_Face


I really hope they permanently solve the problem,I really need my phone badly


At last I got my phoneafter more than 50 days.Its with GB and smooth.
They did not replace my phone,just repaired it.But there were still disappointments.

  • My phone is taking some unusually long time to boot.(1 min 55 sec).My laptop boots faster than this.
  • Overheating problem still persists.
  • They removed my screen guard but never replaced with a new one.

I dont feel like thanking Sony


Not working............  Dizzy_Face


Thanks, I was very interested to hear your experience. I have had 2 Ray mobys and it seemed to be a BACKLIGHT problem. The contents of the screen are visible under bright light and the phone will work but obviously it is very difficult to see what is happening with no backlighting.
My opinion is the circuit required to power the LEDs that light the screen goes wrong and no amount of software tinkering will repair it.
If the screen can still be seen under bright light then it's probably a waste of time trying a replacement screen as it will be the screen driver hardware.
Regards, Baz