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RDR-HX950 copy videos from recorder hard drive to pc

RDR-HX950 copy videos from recorder hard drive to pc

As in subject - I have plenty of valuable videos on the hard drive of RDR-HX950 and I would like to copy it to my PC. Any ideas how to get it done? 


EDIT: I know that I can burn the movies onti DVD's but i would like to avoid that and go for a more direct approach. 


I also am aware that I can burn the movies onti DVD's but i would like to avoid that and go for a more direct approach.

Copying to DVD is the only and best way to do it . Even newer models do not permit direct copy (or via USB device) due to copyright protection. It could be also possible to connect the scart output to an analogue video card receiver but it doesn't feel like a smarter solution. Only suggestion I can give  to you is using DVD-RW in order to use the same disk and some time to spare to  copy your contents in 4GB bulk