Share your experience!
Hi there,
I have an Xperia Z5 Premium.
I have been using a SanDisk Extreme 32GB Sd Card, brand new out of the box.
I put my music onto the disk, it works for some time, a few days, a few weeks, then for some unaccountable reason, the SD breaks, all data is lost and card becomes unformattable and broken.
This has happened now to 3 of these cards as I have sent it back twice as a problem with the card, but now I am thinking tha it is a problem with the phone.
I have set up a phone repair order with Sony as is under warranty. But should I send it back?
It would be very hard for them to replicate the problem etc, which means i would just have to pay for them to send it back etc.
Any thoughts?
I had a 32GB Lexar SD card fail recently in my Z5 Compact. But this is the first time it has happened. However I wanted to say that if the phone reports an SD card as corrupted, you can sometimes retrieve all the data on the SD card by mounting it on a PC. The PC will report problems with the card but this is because the card has write-protected itself. You can still access the data in read-only mode.
When this happened to me, I copied the data from the corrupted SD card to my PC, then copied the data from the PC to a new SD card. When I put the new card in the Z5 Compact everything worked exactly as before.
Hope this helps.