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Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs


The purpose of this thread is to list any bugs or issues with the new update, please post a brief description of the issue. 

  1. Dreadful multi-language keyboard layout, its like the Z1, now word suggestions are on all the languages that you've selected, as there isn't a key to switch between languages.
  2. SmartWatch 2 connectivity issues
  3. missing NFC icon
  4. Screenshots border issue
  5. If SW2 its connected (Bluetooth on) there are some WiFi connectivity issues
  6. WiFi connectivity issues experienced by some users
388 REPLIES 388

After update, when I open the camera app, the Phone disables the chip and loses signal. My Phone is a ZR C5502


Since updating to 4.3, my xperia Z disconnects from my data connection if its been connected to WiFi. However the only to get it to reconnect is to restart my phone. Switching data on and off doesn't work, nor does Turing aeroplane on and off either.
Also, the drop down spell check menu crashes any app that is in use when I select a spelling. However the old three choices part still works.
Apart from those two there's the occasional touch screen problems where it doesn't function on parts of the screen, the power button taking several presses to work and the phone being generally slower at doing anything, sometimes lagging so much it tries to do everything at once when it does catch up.

Same issue here, need to press the power button multiple times to wake up the phone.

Also Smart Connect is not working. I used it to display the clock while charging at work, now it turns off screen and locks the phone.

And the previous keyboard was better. Not sure if it is possible to get it working like it did before, suggesting characters like . ? ! after entering a space. 

Battery usage seems to be higher now than before.

Also noticed that scrolling in the browser hangs more now than before.


Can any one tell me when will we be getting the update for the bug fixes? Just curious

Movies app, Sony select app, wifi direct, app store downloads, swipe keyboard are all faulty, even if I factory reset the device and installed the update again

Have you tried sony update service for repair?If still having issues,adress to your xperia care team.



I have found another problem, since I updatet my Xperia Z ( C6603 ) to 4.3, the Phone freezes sometimes.

I don't know the reason, because it happens at irregular intervals.

The only thing I can do is, shutdown the phone, fortunately the power button is still working.

Sometimes you need to restart your phone(as Android is very picky sometimes).The phone will do better after a restart.


The bug I found in my Xperia Z is that it forgets the wifi configuration for some of my usual wifi access points, for example, my home.

Every other day i have to reinsert the password for these access points which is really annoying, as some of those passwords are really long and I cannot customize them.

My tablet doesn't suffer that, so i guess is not an Android problem... but a Sony one. 

Any explanation?


Hey, so I updated to 4.3 yesterday. 

Of course the Battery wrong percentage bug is a pain in the **bleep**.

But the really annoying ones are rather software flaws than bugs. I used to use the album widget a lot. And in 4.2 you could swipe from left to right, now it's done with a vertical movement. Really, I dislike this so much, I was used to the way it was. Then another big flaw is that the settings background and other backgrounds are now in white instead of black. Really?? I bought the black Xperia Z and I liked the black backgrounds. Black backgrounds are epic, I know a lot of people will support me on this one. And some other moronic change, the alarm interface, it's white now, ugly as **bleep**. But the digital clock got replaced for an analog clock?? Really??? The logic, where is it. And this new clock is as big as my whole screen. So ugly. Really starting to pity my choice to go for Sony. It are the small things that makes the differences

A good thing is that the Wifi connection is 1million times better over earlier firmwares. So thumbs up. My only question about it is if that will cause a lot of battery drainage? 

The improved stuff in the keypad is oké as well.

Please just fix this shizzle.