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Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs


The purpose of this thread is to list any bugs or issues with the new update, please post a brief description of the issue. 

  1. Dreadful multi-language keyboard layout, its like the Z1, now word suggestions are on all the languages that you've selected, as there isn't a key to switch between languages.
  2. SmartWatch 2 connectivity issues
  3. missing NFC icon
  4. Screenshots border issue
  5. If SW2 its connected (Bluetooth on) there are some WiFi connectivity issues
  6. WiFi connectivity issues experienced by some users
388 REPLIES 388

here we are now a week later from my previous and the status is like this:-

Following my update to 4.3 on my Xperia Z1 and my wife's Xperia Z:-

My Wife's Xperia Z was sent off to Sony for a repair, and has now returned to me (minus the charger cable), and whilst it seems to be working ok-ish so far, the battery performance is now absolutely shocking.  From a full charge at 22:00 at night, next morning at 10:00 the battery is flat - and that is with all services (GPS, Location, Network, wireless, bluetooth etc) switched off. There are NO apps on the phone, so the battery run-down is ONLY due to SONY 4.3 android on the phone  (It had no battery issues before 4.3)

My own Xperia Z1 was originally "repaired" (?) by Sony - but still suffered from a large list of problems, so I sent it off to my vendor for them to do a repair. They couldn't repair it, and sent it back to Sony. Sony couldnt repair it, so now they have given me a shiny new replacement Z1 (which is still on 4.2.2 and it is staying that way) - at least until Kit Kat comes out and there are no adverse comments like this Forum has brought to light.


Bad news again today.

My wifes Xperia Z now has reverted back to all the bugs it previously had prior to sony "repairing" it. (obviously they didn't)

Phone locking up when you access certain services (sound / volume / contacts / settings  etc). Phone continually vibrating as if it is running updates. Unable to access any content on the SD card (photos / music etc), unable to access any media on the internal memory.  Core system apps keep crashing...the list goes on.

There are NO APPS on the phone  - it is only SOny android 4.3 on it.

I am taking it back to the vendor today to see if they will fix/replace it.

Not a happy bunny !!

We have 2 Xperias in the house, and since the 4.3 roll-out we have a 100% failure rate.


How did you manage to downgrade to 4.2.2.   I need to do this too.


Since the up date my Z1
Screen flickers multiple Web pages open
Keyboard goes crazy when trying to type
Crashes on playing videos
Transfer to sd wrecks photos and vids( pi55ed me off the most. Personal family photos wrecked)
Opening emails take another longer
Pc won't pickup phone just mem card
Battery life a lot shorter
Cursor jumps randomly in sentince.
Thanks for the chap update!

Hello guys. I've been using Xperia ZL for almost 1year now.

But since the 4.3 update, there's something bother me so much.

Album,Walkman and Movies wont detect any new media from my SD card. I mean, when i downloaded a new .mp3, the Walkman application dont detect it. Same goes to Movies and Album.

I've tried a solution which is need me to clear cache for those application, sadly, it doesnt work for me.

And i also tried to restore my phone back. But still, its doesnt work Slightly_frowning_Face

Is there anyone out there hve a same problem?

I hope Sony's dev would read this. Or maybe pro user could suggest me some new solution.

Sorry for bad grammar.


still no fix for xperia? My xperia Z become useless after update. I`m actually using xperia Z to make phone calls too! Now, I can`t do that without my earphones cuz sound is going off and on randomly while I`m making phone call!!! Thank you Sony!


Flashed R1C on C6506 on Saturday. Don't use the fhone for calls at home but music, videos and web stuff all worked great. Monday at work however I discovered an handset mic. Does anyone have any ideas? I ran the Xperia diagnostic tool...nothing, just white noise. All the filters and noise surpressors are unchecked. I can use a wired of bluetooth headset which is the only thing that kept me from tossing this baby in the pond.


After the update for 4.3
The phone became very slow
The power button is not waking up the phone properly,only after 4 or 5 presses it works, touch screen is not responding many a times.
The Walkman application and album when ran together,the phone is hanging,the video play is not smooth,music player is not responding at all.
Pls provide a solution.
However the battery has improved and the new interface is good.

I'm curious. Do read this topic developers? Whether to wait for fixes? Or club here, analogue Club Alcoholics Anonymous?

Sorry for my english


i like to add one more issue, that is the bluetooth connectivity. It unable to search or search by others device.