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Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs


The purpose of this thread is to list any bugs or issues with the new update, please post a brief description of the issue. 

  1. Dreadful multi-language keyboard layout, its like the Z1, now word suggestions are on all the languages that you've selected, as there isn't a key to switch between languages.
  2. SmartWatch 2 connectivity issues
  3. missing NFC icon
  4. Screenshots border issue
  5. If SW2 its connected (Bluetooth on) there are some WiFi connectivity issues
  6. WiFi connectivity issues experienced by some users
388 REPLIES 388

If i read this it is maybe a good idea to keep 4.2 🙂

But anybody without problems will not goto the sony support forum.

@Sony: How many XZ run with 4.3 now and how many have serious problems?


Thanks alexdon.    The " New system update available" is constantly in notification bar even when I clear all notifications. If I tap on that notification, it opens up to download page.  I mean I don't get any new notifications to try out your suggestion.

Hope this makes sense.  .  


You get notification in update centre?I dont quite understand your last reply.


After 4.3 update to my Xperia ZL.. ..some pros :

1. smoother UI transitions.

2. good looking themes.

3. new camera apps.... like AR effect and motion shot are super... :smileysmileythumbsup:

And I am experiencing following issues.. :

  1. Screenshots border issue
  2. wifi connectivity issue - my wifi shows connected but some times unable to acess internet which doesnt happen on 4.2.2....    I tried with another mobile(not xperia zl - samsung s3) to test the internet access on wifi...  It is fine. So I think it must be problem with my xperia zl 4.3 update. Skull
  3. I observed 10% increase in RAM usage... with installling any new apps after update.. (i.e., I have same no. of apps before and after update).
  4. Battery drains a little faster....even on standby.. Slightly_frowning_Face
  5. Location based wifi not working ... may be Sony messed up something in power management in 4.3 update... Face_with_rolling_Eyes

Hopefully you get these things fixed in 4.4 update .... Tired_Face


OK here I am now 2 weeks later - I have returned the Z1 to Sony and they CLAIM to have fixed it.  

I got it back today and it worked OK for about 1 hour and then it was back to the same problems - Phone locking up, unable to make/receive calls, unable to access anything on internal memory or SD card.  

Basically the phone is useless.

I called the helpdesk (?) again tonight and their suggestion was to try a software restore (AGAIN) - which I did (AGAIN) and the phone just doesnt work at all.

There are absolutely no apps on the phone at all - it is a completely stock piece oif kit - and it still doesnt work

I was really chuffed with this when I had android 4.2 - but since I have had 4.3 my phone is useless.

PS - my wifes Xperia-Z is also in the same boat - and it is currently back at their workshop to try and get it fixed.


Hi alexdon and thanks for your reply.  I am sorry if I have made things complicated.  To your question: Yes the notification to my phone was feom update centre.. I then checked "about phone " in setting at Software updates. It showed update 10.4.B.0.569  ready to download.

l have tried several times to download from this update centre in "about phone" settings  and also from the  notification in status bar on the phone.  Failed to download completely except  once it got to ready to install but could not install due to low battery..

 I will try and dismiss the update available  notificarion in the status bar and see  if I receive a new notification.

Thanks for your kind concern and your help. Regards

But you have updated,even though the battery was low?Try and clear data for update centre,see if you still get notification.Why don't you try to update via PC?


Hi alexdon.  Thanks for your suggestions I finally had a clean successful upgrade to version.  I cleared previous notifications & data for update centre .  Then went to PC companion and backed up my phone.  I updated via PC. The download process took seven hours mainly due to my slow speed internet connection. After download it took only 13 minutes to finish update to phone.

The first time I opened the phone, everything was intact and now operating normal.  

My grateful appreciation for your prompt help and suggestons.  Please regard this reply as "Problem Solved."    Regards


coould you able to connect the bluetooth


for me bluetooth s not connecting