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Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs


The purpose of this thread is to list any bugs or issues with the new update, please post a brief description of the issue. 

  1. Dreadful multi-language keyboard layout, its like the Z1, now word suggestions are on all the languages that you've selected, as there isn't a key to switch between languages.
  2. SmartWatch 2 connectivity issues
  3. missing NFC icon
  4. Screenshots border issue
  5. If SW2 its connected (Bluetooth on) there are some WiFi connectivity issues
  6. WiFi connectivity issues experienced by some users
388 REPLIES 388

Try repairing your phone and reinstalling android using pc companion

On my C5502, Bluetooth stopped working after the update: My Xperia does not show any other Bluetooth devices if I click on discover, and if I make the Xperia discoverable, it doesn't show up on other devices. Really annoying since I need Bluetooth all the time for my Pebble watch

I'm having the same problems as you guys but am also having problems with my screen were the notification panel ends up at the bottom? I have repaired it 3 times now and flashed it still the same issue must be a 4.3 problem any advice?

After updating C6603 to 4.3 android version, had a lot of problem with media server, which was draining battery. After a lot of research, I found out that unchecking the sound touch it stops. It does not apply with vibration only with the touch sound and after I disable it, media server stopped draining battery. Another issue I have after updating to new version its the phone became much slower, for a quad core phone with a snapdragon 600, it should not lag at all, but I does quite a lot. After all the battery is not good either. I know it has a great display and 441 pix per density, but if you play a game it drains much more then other phones, comparing to s3 or s4 and I really prefer much more sony. I hoppe we will have soon kit kat available for xperia z and that will improve battery, and we wont see lag.

I, on the other side, lost camera after upgrading to 4.3. When I turn on the Camera, screen goes black, nothing works, have to wait till phone restarts. Also there is some flickering in Google Chrome since update. Sony your software department **bleep**, fix it, move them to Silicon Valley, whatever.


My phone froze and restarted thrice in the last two weeks(after upgrading to 4.3) especially while changing orientation...

My screen went dark after installing the update(I could still hear my touches and had to guess where the power off portion of the screen was...) and the screenshot border is a touch annoying 4.2.2 was flawless when are you going to sort out the bugs??

Guys can anyone point out a solution...

ever since the update via pc companion....

3g line/mobile data is on but only whatsapp/line messages can be recived and sent. But when trying to download attachments, it cant. FB, playstore and gmail cant work coz of the network error. tried other simcards.... all have same problem. wifi works fine though....

even on stamina mode, battery drains FAST.


Is this a forum where Sony actually do something about our issues or are they all just sitting back laughing at us all, because I can't see much input from Sony solving our problems!!!!!!!!
Feeling really annoyed with my phone now... Over a week now with no calls being made or received in my car since the 4.3 update!!!!!

@mikeslater wrote:
Is this a forum where Sony actually do something about our issues or are they all just sitting back laughing at us all, because I can't see much input from Sony solving our problems!!!!!!!!
Feeling really annoyed with my phone now... Over a week now with no calls being made or received in my car since the 4.3 update!!!!!

lol you do realise this is a user support forum ? 

Its why I've mentioned multiple times now that people need to contact Sony Directly and report these issue's, also send a link to this thread.