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Why is x reality or super vived is not running on desktop?


Why is x reality or super vived is not running on desktop?

Why x reality or super vived is not running on dekstop ?

x reality and super vived just working while i showing a photo on album or playing a video on video !

i want these quality and color fixing be enable on desktop of too .

Sent From Z5 Premium Dual.


this would be great if we had the option to have it work on everything
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@Sentimental wrote:

Why x reality or super vived is not running on dekstop ?

x reality and super vived just working while i showing a photo on album or playing a video on video !

i want these quality and color fixing be enable on desktop of too .

Sent From Z5 Premium Dual.

I think (but i'm not sure) this was created for photo, video, but not for screen (dekstop)(but maybe we just don't regonize it), why you need this if you in smartphone watching the same photo, video and ect in Vivid, Bravia, X-Reality? Slightly_smiling_Face Why need separately to see icons in Vivid and ect :D? You will see just icons, all others things (like news apps and ect) you watching in these Vivid, Bravia, X-Reality features Slightly_smiling_Face


Because i want to see a photo that i put in my desktop with high quality same as Super vived.

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@Sentimental wrote:

Because i want to see a photo that i put in my desktop with high quality same as Super vived.

I just now understand ("dekstop" you mean computer, that's righ?), what you don't know, what is X-Reality, Super Vivid and Bravia Engine Grinning_Face Looks like you think that you set on your Xperia in Display settings one of these image enhancement and captured pics and you think that quality of your pics is the same as is with one of this image enhancement Grinning_Face So i have bad news for you. X-Reality, Super Vivid or Bravia Engine 2 is only image enhancement, that's mean that for your pics quality don't taking any sense. That's mean that these image enhancement only helping you to see better quality only on your smartphone and other device which have these image enhancement or others (if you have none Sony TV and ect) Slightly_smiling_Face So if your TV, computer and any others device don't have any image enhancement you can see then REAL quality of your pics which captured your smartphone and cams without any image enhancement Slightly_smiling_Face

I strongly advice you to read what is X-Realityâ„¢ for mobileSuper-vivid mode and about Mobile BRAVIA® Engine which have for example Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Slightly_smiling_Face

So in your question:"Why x reality or super vived is not running on dekstop ? " answer is: You should ask your device, in which you want to see these image enhancement effect, manufacturer about that if is not running one or other device display image enhancement, but if your device havn't any image enhancement, you must to consider idea to change your device in which have these image enhancement or to stop complain about that, even here if your device is not Sony smartphone Slightly_smiling_Face

If you mean "dekstop" your smartphone display screen, so next time try to explain everything little clear, coz now i understand that you want X-Reality on your computer dekstop  and ect. Slightly_smiling_Face

You post: "x reality and super vived just working while i showing a photo on album or playing a video on video" - that's and doing image enhancement, nothing else and more Slightly_smiling_Face I understand that on your smartphone running fine? Slightly_smiling_Face

"i want these quality and color fixing be enable on desktop of too ." - sounds like you want to see the same effect on computer desktop Slightly_smiling_Face

"Because i want to see a photo that i put in my desktop with high quality same as Super vived." - the same mind about computer desktop Slightly_smiling_Face

If i'm wrong understand you, try explain little detailed and clear: on which device you want to see X-Reality image enhancement and on which device you can see pics, vide with this image enhancement :)?


i know what are x reality or super vived.
i know while i watching videos or images with x real or super viv are not real quality of them and they are just effects , i know these.

you did not understand what i was to try to saying you Slightly_smiling_Face

i say i want to see ( a full hd pic that i downloaded it from net ) in my desktop same as while i watching it in album with quality.

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@Sentimental wrote:

i know what are x reality or super vived.
i know while i watching videos or images with x real or super viv are not real quality of them and they are just effects , i know these.

you did not understand what i was to try to saying you Slightly_smiling_Face

i say i want to see ( a full hd pic that i downloaded it from net ) in my desktop same as while i watching it in album with quality.

How you wrote, the same i explained Slightly_smiling_Face If you talk about desktop - i answered about desktop Slightly_smiling_Face

The first you need to say everything detailed, that you downloaded images from internet which you want to see with the same image enhancement which you can see in your pics which you captured. If you can see others pics, video (for example your captured) with X-Reality effect, i think X-Reality working fine Slightly_smiling_Face About downloaded image i don't know, must work on all video platforms Slightly_smiling_Face Check with different image, video. Check is all settings right, sometimes mine turning off. Try in safe mode how much adviced here others Slightly_smiling_Face

I think by "desktop" he means "home screen" of his Xperia. So he would like to have same "X Reality" picture enhancement in the album app AND on his home screen 😃

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@ClarkLong wrote:

I think by "desktop" he means "home screen" of his Xperia. So he would like to have same "X Reality" picture enhancement in the album app AND on his home screen 😃

Now i understand what he meant and what he want when he explained little better. But agree with me usually "desktop" everybody calling computer screen, smartphone screen everybody calling just "screen" or "display" (in the same section (display) of settings and is image enhancement about which he talking), also can be like you wrote "home screen" it's much better neither "desktop", but "home screen" my opinion is not also so certainly like "screen" or "display". How he explained everything and posted, as i answered Slightly_smiling_Face

About he's problem. If all others video and pics showing with X-Reality effect, i don't thing that problem is with image enhancement , maybe can be low quality wallpapers which he downloaded and ect. Slightly_smiling_Face