Timeshift Burst Extra Photos


Timeshift Burst Extra Photos


I have taken a photo using the camera Timeshift Burst, which works great.. but the problem is when i goto select images for e.g. facebook upload, text, whats app etc... I see all of the photos from that timeshift burst and not just the single one i selected from the timeshift burst.

Is there a way to only keep one of the photos from a timeshift burst and to delete the rest?

The extra photos don't show up in the normal Album app, only when I goto selcting a photo for use elsewhere. Also they show up if i sync them to my computer etc.



Same problem on the Xperia Z1 Compact. The idea is great, but the implementation is not thought through, or tested in everyday usage scenarios. Sony, remember that people use more apps than just your gallery apps. It's sad, because the feature would be really really great if it was done right.

Possible solutions:

a) Let the user choose whether to keep 1, all, or some of the photos.

b) Save the selected photo in a folder publicly available to Google Drive/Drop Box/other apps, and store all the timeshift burst images in a private, hidden folder used by the Sony camera/gallery app (and possibly other apps able to handle burst shots). 

And perhaps try to work together with Google/Dropbox/Facebook/others to find a solution, if needed. It would be sweet to have standard way of detecting and handling burst images. 


Seems to me like the timeshift burst creates an folder for each burst, so the solution could be as simple as creating .nomedia file to the folder as it is created. Not sure if any of the Sony employees read these forums, but hopefully they do and patch that feature as fast as possible.


The inability to actually keep your chosen timeshift photo from the others made this photo feature redundant. What a disappointment

I did forward this as feedback internally last year. The information i got however is that there's no change planned for how this works. It is because the purpose of Timeshift is to let you change the selected photo at any time. If you want to keep just one photo from a Timeshift burst you need to move that photo out of its folder (DCIM\XPERIA\TIMESHIFT) to another folder manually using a computer or file manager and then delete the Timeshift burst.


It's nice to know that You have been active on this issue, even if it was only an Year ago, could You however consider forwarding the issue again? If not for any other reason that to let the team know that people are not satisfied with the experience as it is and maybe pass forward the ideas that may have risen from the discussion here. Simply adding a .nomedia file to the burst folder should be easy to implement.


I know this is an old thread but the issue is still current and this comes up on a google search. Heres my fix - use timeshift and select the photo you want. Share that photo with Photoshop Express (free) Save your photo in Photoshop - this creates a copy of your timeshift photo. Go back to Album and check you have the copy and original photos. You can then delete the timeshift photo (identifiable from the clock icon) and there you have it. Easy and simple.

Come on. Please let them know this makes one of the key reasons for me to choose Sony a pain in the **bleep**. (The camera quality in combination with a way to get rid of the shutter lag and even improve the pressing moment made me choose this camera.)

I always enjoy using the timeshift burst function. But I hardly use it, because the management of a nice photo for photobooks and collections on my computer makes me hate looking at my photo's.

If Sony doesn't fix this it makes me feel you don't listen to your customers.

In hope of a solutions



You van make screenshots from the picture you like and delete the whole burst

The idea to change the selected photo at any time is neat but the implementation is terrible. Why don't they change the file extension on the not selected photos? Also the user should have option to delete not selected ones to save disk space. Please pass this on as current system is unusable.

The screenshots workaround will lose resolution on a compact and metastatic like when and where it was taken.