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Photo quality Xperia z3 compact


Photo quality Xperia z3 compact

Hi there....just playing with my camera and reading about issues people are having. I first thought how crappy the camera was after viewing my pictures in the 'PHOTOS' App. Then I viewed them in 'ALBUM' ( which I can't remember if I downloaded or was included ) Anyway, the pictures look great now. Also, just using the little preview window when you are in the actual 'CAMERA' app, also shows that I have good quality pictures. Maybe the camera does have faults still, but I am just talking about the glaringly obvious crappy resolution when using the app 'PHOTOS'. Hope this helps

There's nothing wrong with the white balance of these photos - if that's what you mean by "balance".

In the first photo the camera has exposed for the sky to preserve the highlights. Perhaps you should go to Camera > Settings > More > Metering and set that to "Multi". This should give you more "even" exposure of objects with high dinamic range. You can just as well try the HDR mode.

In the second photo the contrast is low and the colors are a bit washed out because the sun is in the frame. You cannot expect more from a 1/2.3 sensor and a tiny lens. Even a full frame DSLR will stuggle under these circumstances.


Balance meaning exposure, not the white balance. And it was Multi Metering. I'm sorry but you can't have black (not dark) areas in a photo taken in broad daylight with no Sun in front or other light source. Almost half of the photo is black. It could have been there un UFO and I would have missed it.