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outgoing calls problem


outgoing calls problem

from today i am facing a problem of outgoing calls on my experia z . I am enable to make my calls



could you test a new SIM card. 


Hi @hardik1234, welcome to our forums!

I'm sorry to hear about that. Slightly_frowning_Face

Do I understand you correctly that you aren't able to make outgoing phone calls with your phone starting from today? If that is correct, are you able to receive calls?

If you can receive calls but not make outgoing calls, do you see any message on the screen when you are trying to make a call?

I would recommend that you re-register your phone on the operators network, to do that go to Settings > More > Mobile networks > Network operators, a search will now start for all nearby service provider. When the search is completed, tap on your operators network and it should register within seconds.

If you experience the same behaviour after doing the above, could you please try another SIM card in your phone, if you can borrow one from a friend, colleague or family member. Preferably from another service provider.

Let me know how it goes! Slightly_smiling_Face