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My tactical screen is blocked after few minutes


My tactical screen is blocked after few minutes

After i reinitialized my mobile, i went on the sms applications and began to write text. After few mn i can't go further and continue to write. The back space button doesn't work any more, the keyboard is flashing suddenly and in the sms window, some text i didn't write is coming quickly. I mentionned this pb a lot of time to Sony assistance and send back twice my mobile, but always coming back with the same pb, Sony didn't find anything wrong. I did a video to prove the pb but i can't send it to Sony by email, can't attach any file to the email unfortunately. 

Is there anybody could help me and tell me that pb exist already on this model of mobile or another one ? How can i fix and resolve the pb ? Do Sony has to change the mobile ? 

Waiting for any help, thanks




which app were you using? if it is the preloaded messaging app then boot in >>> safe mode and report back. 


Idem on safe mode :

When I navigate the messaging by typing a moment of the text to google chrome, then that I want to return on the messaging by the button of display of the windows, the key ends up being blocked, it is necessary to press very strongly, or even to press the Button on / off otherwise, can not return to the main window. It is nevertheless in the safe mode and therefore it does exactly the same thing.

Is there any pb on contact .

Is a layer of the touchscreen damaged or has a manufacturing defect?

I received the envelope from sony to send them back my mobile. I'm sure they won't say there is a pb cause they won't take the time as i did to finally discover there is a real pb with the tacticle screen.


Ps : I didn't download any new app but just preloaded that i can find as a new mobile for the first time. No synchronization at all with my google account. I did nothing else than to begin to start my mobile.