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I can not add my fingerprint


I can not add my fingerprint

When i tried add my fingerprint appears "Your fingerprint can not be read, the record will be canceled since the fingerprint registration time limit has been reached. Follow the registration instructions and try again"


you should clean the fingerprint sensor 


Hi @Marcelo1310, welcome to our forum!

I'm sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Have you had fingerprint(s) added previously in the phone or is this the first time setting this up?

I agree with what @uliwooly recommended. Make sure that both your finger and the power key are clean and dry. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off any dirt or moisture from your finger and the power key before trying again.

Does this occur with all fingers that you try to add or just a specific one? If you haven't tried with another finger I'd recommend doing so!

Let us know how it goes!


The fingerprint works only sometimes, the same with the proximity sensor, the problems started when I updated the operating system


Hi again @Marcelo1310,

Just to make sure that a downloaded application isn't the cause of both these sensors not working correctly, try rebooting your phone in safe mode and do the test for the proximity sensor which you can find in Settings > About phone > Diagnostics > Test > Proximity sensor.

There is no test for the fingerprint sensor, so try unlocking your phone a few times and check if there has been any change.

If there is no change, try performing a software repair using Xperia Companion. This will delete all data stored on the internal storage and reinstall the latest available software again. It is advised to create a backup using Xperia Companion before you start with the repair.

Let me know how it goes!