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Files in SD Card deleted by themselves


Files in SD Card deleted by themselves

So, I had this phone for 5 months now and about two weeks ago I bought a 64GB sd card. I transferred some files on it, mostly music files. After some days I noticed that a specific artist was missing. I connected the sd card to my computer and saw that, although the folder of the artist was there, all the files inside of it were missing. So, I deleted the folder, created it again and transferred the same files again. Some days later I noticed the same artist's songs missing again. I've had these files on another sd card on another phone but never had any trouble with it. Anyone here with the same problem? Is it a phone bug, or maybe a faulty sd card?

Most likely the sd card could be faulty.

I am leaning towards an issue with the card but it is odd that it is the same files deleting each time, have you tried using MediaGo to transfer the files to the phone?


No, I just directly transferred them from my computer, I didn't use any other apps. I find it odd too, but that's actually the way I noticed it. I was sure that I copied them the first time, so I was looking out for what will actually happen the next time and they disappeared again indeed.

Could you try two things?

1. Try another (even small 2 - 8 GB) SD card, put those disappearing files in the same folder and give it a try.

2. Backup data and format entire SD card from phone, then load music through USB cable.

If in 1 & 2 files disappear I would suspect that you have some kind of malware on the phone.

If disappear only in 2 probably SD card is broken and you need to replace it.


I tried 1 and transferred only two different artists, every folder of the artist that was troubling me and another one just for measure. Everything was fine but after I used the clean master app all the files disappeared again. Only from that very same artist. Half an hour ago everything was fine but it seems they got deleted after I used clean master.

Uninstall that app if possible and try for longer time.

What is the pourpose of this app? Maybe it treats your files as garbage?


It's a memory and cache cleaner. It deletes anything that is considered unwanted and garbage. I never had this app installed on any other phone that I had so I couldn't know.

So I found out that it was actually the clean master app. It seems that it really treats these specific files as junk and deletes them by itself. I will keep an eye on it though, maybe there's something else to it. Thanks everyone for answering!

Troubleshooting to fix SD card deleting the files by itself:

  • Connect your SD card with PC using card reader.
  • On your PC click START, type “cmd” in search bar and hit ENTER.
  • A new command windows will get open as shown in image below.


  • Now type in the following command - "chkdsk /X /f USB drive letter:" or "chkdsk USB drive letter: /f ". For example – If your USB drive letter is named as H drive, then type - "chkdsk /X /f H:" or "chkdsk H: /f" in the following command windows and hit Enter.

Once, the process gets complete, you can then add files on your SD card and again repeat the CMD process. Now check the files on your SD card.

If files are still available on your card it means your problem is solved. You can then eject SD card safely from your computer and insert it back your phone.

Hopefully, your files from SD card now will not get deleted by themselves.