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Data roaming bug of virtual providers still exist after update to Android 6.0.1


Data roaming bug of virtual providers still exist after update to Android 6.0.1


I'm using a Sony Z3 compact and have upgraded to the latest phone update including Android 6.0.1.

Before Android 6.x there was a bug in the operating system, that you have to turn on Data Roaming even if you are in your own country. This is needed when you have a provider like "" which is also known as a virtual provider, because the company is using the telecommunication infrastructure of another company. But turning on Data Roaming is dangerous when you travel to other countries... so this bug was already known and discussed + planned for Android 6.0.1.

A few friends are also using Android 6.0.1 with Nexus phone, there it works. But for my phone I still have to turn on Data Roaming, otherwise I cannot get an internet connection.

Was this bugfix disabled by Sony for Sony mobilephones? Can you please support me - I think that a lot of other people are also having trouble with this.

Thanks and Regards,




Any updates on this?

Regards, Dominik


Hi Dominik. I've just tried turning roaming off on my phone but can't reproduce the problem you've described.  It works as expected.

I am also on Android 6.0.1 and using a virtual network.


Hi, I've also tried it again: same problem.

Then on the left top corner the warning symbol appears with the message: "No connection, Data-roaming deactivated".

Are you sure you are also using a "virtual" provider like in Austria?


I'm using Giffgaff which runs on the O2 network in the UK.

There may be a difference in the way the virtual networks are set up.  Have you tried contacting your provider?


Yes, of course: there are many such virtual providers in Austria. They also hand out their "internet-documentation" where they mention to turn on Data-roaming, in order to get internet work on your mobile phone.

This "national roaming" problem is well known in Austria, but in 2016 with Android 6.0.1 it was pronounced that the bug should be fixed. Friends with the NEXUS (google) phone do not have the problem any more, but other mobile phones still have the problem. So I assume that the given android version/updates are different...


I'm afraid that I have limited technical knowledge in this area so I don't think I can help you. I suppose that looking on the bright side, when travelling in europe, it should not matter from 15 June 2017 due to the new rules being introduced by the EU.