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The battery life on XZs is not really good as you can see that the wakelocks is aggresively active when screen is off. Hardly the Screen on Time will go over 4 hours..
Another problem is the camera distortion as you can see in the example, red line is a straight line, one taken by XZs and another one taken by Xiaomi Mi 3.
Please help.. This is irritating me... Thanks.
Wakelocks even screen is off
Xperia XZs
Xiaomi Mi 3
Same issue with my XZs. With z1/z5 there is no distortion. Will test the x compact later with the same target.
Not happy, because I get this phone two days ago....
The only thing we can do about the distortion is to write to Sony about this issue again and again and again and again...Sony had already reacted on this issue with bsht about wide-angle lens optics and they consider the issue is solved. But its NOT! They must rewrite an image proceccing algorithm to compensate this distortion and we'll be happy, that's all we're asking for!
I too have same problem and feel battery being drained very fast.
I am too hoping for the fix through S/W.
I bought mine 4 months ago. The battery drain is really bad since the first day I got it. If I just use even for a very minimum browsing, there is no guarantee that it can withstand even before I return to my home for the day.
With the same amount of browsing time, my previous Z3 can even withstand 2 days.
Nowadays I even scared to use my phone during the day, it is always keep in my pocket.
I guess u need some attention towards backup issue coz Battery backup is fine for me.. Only 2900mah battery but.....
Started morning with 100%, moderate use whole day, night it had 25%, then till morning sleep, not a single % drop. Still at 25 for a pack of more hours.
I had S6 Edge+ with 3000mah battery though having sAmoled display to save battery, still needed to charge atleast three times a day. 1 hour of idle standby ate up 5-6 % batery. And while using, I could see dropping backup just like my bike speedometer. 😁 😁 Lol
My distortion went away when I changed the ratio from 16x9 to 4x3. When I dropped the mp from 19 to 13 about 90% of the time my pictures come out better, especially in low light.
I believe the hardware is designed to produce 4x3 and its software that crops it to make it 16x9 and during that image processing something isn't going right. Try taking pics at 4x3, it's better for prints anyway. As for battery life, fb was always the leech for me, even when I rarely used it, and even when I deleted it after it was installed the heating and battery issues often persisted on many different Android devices. Now I NEVER install or activate it after a clean wipe and I've never had a battery problem since on any android phone.