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Where can I buy an Xperia XZ1?


Where can I buy an Xperia XZ1?

xz1 almak istiyorum varmı hangi mağazanızda satılıyor bilgi verir misiniz ??? Telefon mağazalarda yok gelicekmi tekrar magazalara ?

I want to buy xz1 Do you know which store is sold in which store ??? The phone is not in the stores, is it again the magazine?



Hi @Can15, thank you for showing interest in the Xperia XZ1! Slightly_smiling_Face

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum.

This will be a bit tricky for me to answer as this is a Global used based forum and the availability may be different between markets.

The best option is to get in touch with your Local support team as they are the experts on your market and know if the device has been released there and which retailers that sell it. They can also provide you with additional information regarding warranty and so forth.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face