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I'm getting really sick of this. Can someone tell me how to get HDMI output through the USB-C Port on the XZ Premium. I posted about it before, but there's no updates or native fixes.

I did some port virtualization for a local business a while ago. They needed their USB ports to behave like COM ports, so I just got the software for it. I already know USB Type-C can handle the data bandwidth... why not put it on? It's not like we haven't paid for it already?


Hello Jukebox461,

The XZP doesn't natively Support MHL/Slimport/USB-C to HDMI.

The Hardware ist fully capable to do so, that's why "MHL Checker" and other Apps say it shou Work. 

But the software/Kernel doesn't allow it. 

You can't use a Feature that is Not unlocked/installed.


@Jukebox461 I've been trying to do the same as you for my XZ Premium and my XZ before it but I haven't been able to - not since I had my Xperia Z3! It's like you said, its not like we haven't paid for it.... 


@Tuerkay Don't you agree that it's out of order for Sony not to incorporate the ability to be able to do this? 


I can´t realy agree with that. you got what you payed for. you can´t expect to get an feature that is not listed as available. There could be compatibility issues with other software on the phone, so that they hat to remove that feature.

This is something many manufacturers do. Even if they have the Hardware to use these "old" features, they will invest more into developing and improving new features like wireless screencasting.


When you say "The hardware isn't fully... Etc" what do you actually mean? What are you basing that statement on? Is it the physical port? The bus? The GPU? What exactly is there physically required? Because you will find that it is all there in the XZ Premium. I can see that it isn't advertised on the box. I saw the CPUs and the GPU, and thought it is well within expectation that there wasn't enough time to encorporate that functionality from day 1. But it has been out for some time now, and it's coming to our side now, consumer expectation. In that it is reasonable to expect that with the capacity, and the request of consumers, that this be enabled. Considering the amount of problems I've had with the phone so far, not installing apps, general resource management and what can only be described as "Laggy AF" response, a touch screen that doesn't actually care where your fingers are... it'll decide for you what you want, an autocorrect dictionary compiled from "The 1,000 most commonly misspelled words at Runescape's Grand Exchange"... In Theo r original misspellings.

I'd like them to do this as an apology for the rest of the device. If that's not too much to ask.


@Jukebox461 wrote:

When you say "The hardware isn't fully... Etc" 

In this case, i never wrote that. If you read my post carefully, you will see the exact opposite.

80% of the issues posted in this board are software related. The same goes for  "missing features".

The XZP Hardware is capable to do many things. Just the Software to do so isn´t implemented or not optimized. There could be many reasons why and i don´t know what´s going on inside the dev department.

There could be compatibility issues with other software, negative influence on battery or SoC efficiency, not enough resources to develope them or they could just prioritize the newest device lineup like many other manufacturers also do.

@Jukebox461 wrote:

In that it is reasonable to expect that with the capacity, and the request of consumers, that this be enabled.

you cannot expect anything, that is not advertised beforehand. The Phone was developed and release in a certain state. You payed for the device in that state. Every features that comes afterwards is a change the manufacturer doesn´t have to do. Except it was advertised beforehand. Some companies will listen to the customers and others won´t but none of them has to. If your dissatisfied with the service, change the brand.


Sorry, I read your post too carefully.

"Hardware ist" was not only one letter away from "isn't", but also one letter away from "is".

I didn't read much after that.

I see what you're saying now though.

I remember the first time I saw a HTC in action. A mate had one. Said it was rubbish. Never bought one. Had a few LG's. Webslider and another one. Beautiful phones. Till they got older than a few months. Never bought one again. Bought some Huawei's. Beautiful phones. Would buy again. Had some Oppo's recently. Beautiful phones. Would buy again. In fact, I was in the store buying my 3rd Oppo, the R15 Pro, when I spent the extra $30+AUD for this instead, the XZ Premium. It's experiences like these that determine whether I will ever have a sony smartphone again. And this is their second chance after my friend had a Sony-Ericsson back in the day. I saw the recent Sony phone CPU benchmarks and came running back. I feel like an idiot.

I've had Nokia 3210, 3310, 3315, N97; Samsung Galaxy, S4, Note 3; LG's, Huawei's, Oppo's, Apple's and more. I want my complaints recognised. I have money. And what I don't have now, I will have in the future. More phones an  more sales. Why can I not get my money's worth out of this device, and what's my incentive to buy another Sony phone?

I legit think the screen on this doesn't even work properly.


I have other posts about this device. Also with rubbish answers.

I swear there's something I'm missing here. It's not actually possible for a phone this good to be this bad...