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Android Oreo Adaptive brightness bug


Android Oreo Adaptive brightness bug

I've updated the new firmware a couple of days ago and noticed something wrong with the adaptive brightness.

It used to be slowly adjust the brightness but after this latest update, it's adjusting the brightness so fast and make me less comfortable to use it.

Sometimes it makes me feel sick. 😢

Does anyone have this problem too?

102 REPLIES 102

Mine was not that bad before this latest update and now it appears to be basically fixed for me. I have sat under dim lighting and moved into bright lighting and back again and my screen brightens and dims just fine. It is not completely smooth as it goes up and down...I mean that it appears to flicker a little going up and then down but then it stops when it reaches the  level it is trying to reach. So for me it is OK...better now than it was before the latest update which I just received this morning. By the way, this update came faster than any of the previous ones did.

I know there are those who say that Sony is not fixing things in these security updates but I disagree. From what I have read here on this forum, as well as my personal experience...Sony is definitely fixing issues in these updates even though they are not listing these fixes as part of the updates. I am not sure why they do not tell us they are fixing things, but they also are not really acknowledging the bugs in the first place. So in an attempt to save face they do not admit a problem but then they go ahead and silently fix the problem as best they can. YMMV


Unfortunately for me the bug is worse than ever: Under certain conditions (dim light watching Netflix) it keeps rapidly increasing and lowering (so flickering) the brightness 😐.

I've had to turn auto brightness off. 


Confirm this issue on the dual SIM model. I have also two other issues after the update. 1. Even though it's set up to switch the screen after two minutes, it switches it constantly, even during writing a text, or browsing.

2. It loses the connection all the time. It's set up to the lte/wcdma/gsm and every couple of minutes, all even couple of times during one minute it l totally loses  the connecting, even though I live I a city centre of a 150.000 city.


Ask for refound! 


@RAVro That's imho a little overdone - it's not THAT bad! And I guess Sony is gonna fix this Slightly_smiling_Face 


Man, brightness is a bug, maibe, losing signal it s not.

Service a fresh new flagship? 


This bug keeps annoying me in low light conditions a lot... It can easily be reproduced.

Could anyone confirm if Google and/or Sony are working on it. Adaptive brightness is such a basic feature that has been out & working for years. But not in 2018?

Probably, not shure, the bug is noticed for pritty linguri time allready so lets hope for best!

I have the phone since 1st December 2017. It was updated in the same day to Oreo.

I observed sometimes this bug especially when the light of the room is turned off. 


Same problem, it's all over the place as I type this sitting indoors at night with a small lamp next to me. Feel sick! Is there a work around other than turning off adaptive brightness? Cmon Sony, I've been a lifelong fan since my Ericsson, but the last three android updates have caused me days of frustration and problems, all with premium phones, very poor performance.