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My xperia Z has a problem with the usb conection so I'm trying to update by using the wifi option. However, it starts to isntall but inmediately aborts instalation. Anyone here knows what to do about it?
I have Android 5.02 (lollipop) and I'm trying to install marshmallow.
Hi @LeoFont,
Welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear about this.
Do you get any error message? Have you tried restarting the phone?
I don't know if it is possible to do the update to Marshmallow OTA due to the significant changes and large size.
@LeoFont There is no update to MM for Z. How are you trying to update then and to what?
The update message I receive it from the update itself. It let's me download it, but when I try to install it aborts the installation. I assume it is mashmallow update only because I've read ther was one for xperia z...but maybe I'm wrong. However it is the phone that keeps sending the message of a new update and it is from the update system.
@LeoFont probably just another build for lollipop.
Try this: settings - apps - all, scroll down to software update app. Force stop, clear data. Restart your device.
And yes, I've tried restarting the phone, set it up from manufactory mode...but same result
Ok, I'll try that and will let you know. Thanks
Same result. Message again, tried to install and end message is: Update System Software could not be installed. I guess I'll have to live with it
Did you modify your phone software in any way? Root, unlocked bootloader?
Not that I know. It was my brother's phone and he gave it to me. I guess I have to ask him. But he did the factory reseting...:smileyconfused: