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Hi guys,
just after i bought UCH12 for my XA i started testing. 3 runs: 40-100 of battery on UCH12 phone was on, 0-100 UCH12 phone off, and 0-100 on std charger supplied with phone in off state. I got latest update of XA, phone is new - 1,5 week. I've built excel charts of time - bat percentege characteristics and i must say, that i'm dissapointed. like very. around 45$ for nothing. Sony states that only quick charger for XA (i believe in that, couldn't found any replacement) is UCH12. In shortcut - UCH12 is better than standard XA charger ONLY under 45% of battery level! Nah, even WORSE for the rest of 55%... which are actually most used one in normal daytime operations. Just take a look on those charts and you'll understand. I don't really know if the software is messed up or this whole quick charging for XA is just another marketing trick. Sony branded quick charger for more than 45$ that is worse than supplied in package charger. That is a joke, right?
edit: dont look at scale on close up chart of +40% of bat lvl, i messed this scale for time while transfering data, but this is just close up on situation UCH12 vs STD above 40% of bat lvl. If you interpolate those curves you'll see that std is better in normal daytime usage when you keep XA charged above 50% (which is actually reccomended for this type of accu to save life time of the battery as far as i know) UCH12 is slower than standard charger. Red curve was slightly softened to visualize median process of charging, actual one is represented by orange color.
Hi @Skieras,
You are correct in that Sony UCH12 supports technologies which allow for faster charging such as Pump Express and Quick Charge 3.0. However, I'm afraid that I can't find any information stating that Xperia XA supports Pump Express charging. For this reason, Xperia XA can't capitalize on the quick charging features of UCH12 so it won't charge faster using it compared to the standard charger provided with the device.
Let me know if that answers your concern.
No, it doesn't answer my concern. As far as i know on both sites - UCH12 and the XA is stated that they are compatible.
If the XA is not using pump express, please remove those silly "compatibility" satements so that the other users won't be put in wrong like me.
If i see a quickcharger that is recommended on phone's web page, and the charger's page shows this phone as supported, then why should i expect that it won't be working? I'm out of words...
Additional information in the manual of XA:
... chekmate...?
I agree that it indeed does look strange, since there are no mentions of any quick charge compatibility in the white paper for the product. I will forward this internally in order to try to get some more information and specifications regarding this, I will write you back once I know more.
This inconsistency the specs
For example I have in Russia at all stores available support fast charging.
And here I thought I'm alone or got a faulty charger. I noticed that the UCH-12 somehow charges rather quick whenever my XA is very low on battery (15% or less), but let's say I have 50% left, and wanna top off say, another 20% before I go out? Obviously, not gonna get that much in 10 minutes. In Ampere app I can get around 2000ma when it was being charged from very low battery state, but considering I can get pretty much the same with a Samsung adaptive charger, it's hardly astounding.
Rather dissapointed especially when the charger is very pricey here, too. One of the reason I got the XA is the quick-charge feature, the other being the screen with minimum bezel. The website here also shows the 'get 5.5 hours of battery life in 10 minutes' with UCH-12, too.
how long is take to get full charge with UCH12 in Xperia XA ?