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I have such a big problem with my xperia mini battery.
Battery doesnt last much. I takes couple of 5 or 10 mins calls and its off.
Could you please advice if there's a possibility to exchange the battery? I know that we can do it for xperia mini pro.
Is there any way how to change it or buy it somewhere?
Thank you for your answers in advance
Battery life gets better with time so my first question is how long have you had the phone?
Second is have you updated to the latest version of your firmware via Sony Ericsson Update Service as the more recent firmwares have improved battery life (word of warning it will wipe your phone so make sure you have backed up your contacts either to SD card or synced with SE/Google. Any apps can be reinstalled)
Have you downloaded any programmes that could be responsible for eating battery life? Widgets can occaisionally do this too so again what do you have running? (I had a timer/stopwatch programme that for some reason killed my battery - deleted it phone fine again)
Also things like not have wifi on all the time, not having screen set to 100% brightness, not updating from Facebook/Twitter/Emails every 5 minutes these all help.
If you have tried all of these things then maybe you need to take it to a service centre/your retailer to have it checked out.
I have X10 mini pro. I was checking my battery performance. I use auto sync, background sync, timescape update every 1 hr, gofacebook chat... and to mention brightness level Max, It would hardly last for 7 to 8 hrs. But wen i turned off background sync and data traffic, I got solid 2 days (just to check my battery's capability).
. After all its a 970 mAh battery... I am sure most phones would drain of ur battery according to ur heavy usage(Like I do). But I see certain apps running in background unnecessarily wen I see with miniTaskbar software(from Android market). I use to kill those apps which i don need at that time...
Also try using Juice Defender(from Android market). I used the same settings i mentioned above(drained battery in 7-8hrs before Juice Def). With Juice Defender, I got a solid 1 day by which i was pretty happy