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August, hope can see the news for SonyEricsson SATIO update.
but I things:
45% : No any update for SATIO.
25% : Bugs fix for SATIO.
15% : Many bugs fix for SATIO with RESPONSE SPEED IMPROVEMENT plus some new feature.
10% : Upgrade SATIO from Symbian ^1 to ^3 (But this one need contract with NOKIA ... ....)
05% : Change SATIO from Symbian ^1 to Android (Open Source but important is need rewrite, more hard, also SonyEricsson not yet settle X10 update, any maybe contract problem.)
Anyway, everyone is waiting the best solution from SonyEricsson.
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Even Nokia 5800 is get firmware updates !!
"Did you know that we're always improving our software?
For up to 2 years after launch our software team work hard to give you the best phone experience with better performance, new features and bug fixes.
Are you up to date? Select your phone from the list below to find out."
--> Why the fuck do SE even bother saying for up to 2 years.. thats a load of shite, its more like for up to 2 months after release..
you will see.. we will get our update...
and then, we will get a new facebook-app :smileygrin:
OMG why so soon? I was hoping for 2020.... 2011 is so soon...
Vivaz Pro already got it!
Maybe there's still hope for us.........
This is unbelievable news so Vivaz get updated first when Satio gets in the waiting list and was launch first with so much problems to be fixed on the phone.
The list of fixes for Vivaz doesn't see to resolve the problems of Satio just the main tasks of the Software there is a lot to be done. I would like to make a very straight question to them.
If both Satio and Vivaz are S60 5th Edition why so much differences on the way they work? Is that because of the hardware? I don't bite that.
Thousands In England return their phone on the first week of the launch and I still have mine, but it seems no apologies has been made by SE for the mistake their done with this phone which wasn't ready to be commercialized.
I spoke with so many engineers from SE on the show and they told the numerous problems they had with the phone which them still fighting with it, but doesn't means they have to abandon us for months to resolve the problems.
This problems can be fixed by release of small software fixes every month so that we can test and see whether the problem has been properly fixed or not rather than given to beta testers and not resolving the users issues after waiting for months.
Some beta testers they get paid for the job we don't as well we still have to buy the phone from our pocket money to make SE profits. If I spend large amount of money in a phone I want the company to give a full support and not to be ignored over 9 months.
I would like SE start to look after more of their customers, because this is not the way of making business.
I subscrive everything!!!!!
I don't think Satio will get any update anymore. We are doomed, SE have screwed us over. I hope they go bankrupt.:smileyangry:
As I can see too, Jeff got tired of our complaints I don't see him posting anything on Satio anymore. Why? I know that you are not to blame but as well you guys are not giving any strength to keep us believing in SE.
Are you getting on the end of the pipeline, is this the future of SE for us? I'm getting scared here, should I buy more products of your company?
Where is the Chief of Operations for technical problems I heard that SE got a new guy in the last weeks.
I thought to get X10 but the updates only comes 8 months after and this is scared way of making business and resolving customer problems.
Sorry to say, but you guys need a new structure because this one is not working at all....
i wait for the SIP client on my satio and hope that i will receive it with the update
The Vivaz new firmware update contains
--> No-way Satio is going to get anything decent in any new firmware, as the above is nothing big, only minor tweaks to the existing vivaz firmware.