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Problems Updating my X10i

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Problems Updating my X10i

I bought an X10i a few months ago and I was installing PC Companion on my mothers PC when it told me there was an update to the firmware.

When I came home on my own PC it told me I was up to date. I uninstalled companion and reinstalled it and was told of the update.

Now here is my problem. When I try to update it goes through the first 2 steps and then tells me to unplug the USB cable from both the PC and Phone, make sure it is charged to 50%, turn off the phone for 5 seconds and plug it back into the PC and while holding the back button plug the USB cable into the phone. When i do this nothing happens the update just sits there.

I've tried this with both PC companion and SEUS and then same thing happens on both.

I've also tried updating from the phone but it says it's up to date.

I'm in Ireland on O2 and my firmware is 1.6 and build is R1FA016.

Any help would be appreciated


I had this problem with my netbook so tried on my son's PC and it went through fine. No idea why so all I can suggest is trying it on a different PC again.  Not overly convenient but a work around unless anyone else can come up with a reasonable alternative.