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I bought hazel mobile 3 days back when i bought it there was so many Indian languages.
When i was using PC suite i found some software update and i installed it..
now i got only foreign languages.. what i have to do get it back please help Sounds like you may have updated your phone with software for a different country/region of the world.Try running the SE Update service (you don't need PC suite for this) and see if the update gives you back all the Indian languages.Where did you buy the phone from?
thanks for the help chris... but i am unable to access the languages again
i bought mobile from India only but i upgraded its software and now i am facing the problem
help me
Have you tried updating the software through SE's Indian website?
I dont know... but three time i already updated.. kind uncomfy i am feelin about the handset
If u got link or somethin please help...
Thank you This is the software update link from the Indian SE site.