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Hellow Everybody. Now I just happened to have Music with lossless Quality (.flac) lying around and would like to listen to it on my fancy Mobilephone, Sony Erisccon S312.
Well, I assume it won't play .flac also due to 1400 kbps, but how much kbps can the sony S312 play, and what would be the best Format for it, I wonder?
Does anybody know? Free Candy !
You could try using software such as the Switch sound file converter to convert your .flac files into mp3 files, and try playing these on your phone.
Well, mp3 is an option. but the question was if there is a better (higher quality) format that the Sony Ericsson s312 can listen too; IF not, I do the mp3.
The other Question was the data. I assume it doesn't work with 1400 kbps. How many kbps are possible?
The usual formats are .mp3 and .aac. The quality of both is very good and the standard bit rate for CD ripping is 128kbps (the scale on my media manager is between 32 and 256kbps) and this bit rate is more than good enough for mobile phones.Where did you get the figure of 1400kbps from?
DR Chris Sir, I asked for the maximum bitrate that can be played on that certain mobile phone. So the Issue was not how .FLAC can be converted into a playable format, and neither did I ask what size would occupy few enough space.
From what you told is that 256 kbps works, and then? Would it work on 257, 258 etc? It would take too long. to convert a file (a) hundred(s) of times. What is the maximum bit rate?
So where did I get the figure of 1400 kbps, let's see:
A CD has a bitrate of 1411200 bps. Now, what would the lossless audio codec .FLAC do with it?
That's right, nothing. It pretty much keeps this bit rate. The secret is unveiled ! !
If you don't know, do you know a source where I could ask? I tried to search "sony email" or so but couldn't find.
Why don't you simply try and play an .mp3 or .aac music track at 256Kbps on your phone, and see how and if it plays.