Share your experience!
Hi everybody.I have noticed that many questions which have been answered on this forum are not being acknowledged at all.It would be nice when someone gets a reply to a question to let the person who answered it whether what was suggested actually solved the problem or not.This would also be useful for anybody with a similar query.Thanks.
Well there is the points system as you can see at the top of topics which say 1 correct answer gets so many points and a helpful answer gets how ever many points which lets us know if we have helped.
That's not really the point, if you'll excuse the pun! Because even if the points system states that the question was answered correctly, there's still no way of knowing whether the problem was solved, unless there's a positive response.And it gets quite vague when the question is "possibly answered" where there's no response or when it clearly has been answered but again there's no response.
You see my "point" now?
Yes but thats up to the user if they widh to reply or not.
And that's exactly what I was talking about in the first place. An acknowledgement to a reply helps to clarify matters whereas the lack of it can be misleading if you have to rely simply on the status of the question.Do you not agree?
Well its like this on every forum its just something you need to put up with.
That is true, but I agree with Dr_Chris that the forum would be more useful if people could make an effort to indicate when their question has been answered.