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Heats up while charging


Heats up while charging

Hey not sure if this is the right place to post? But for the last 2 days my phone is heating up during charging. Secondly the battery is also getting discharged real quick with min usage. Any tips


are you using the original charger that came with the device?

are you charging via usb or wallmount adapter?

it is normal for it to warm up when charging. the device will shutdown if it reaches  high temperature,.

can you try to charge while you are on safe mode?


Hi @Pari1, welcome to our forum!

As @nolramlb wrote, during charging the device will heat up a bit, that is perfectly normal.

The phone has an inbuilt overheating protection that you will tell you if the device is heating up and will start to close down the application(s) that is the cause, if it continues the phone will shut down automatically so it won't be damaged.

Are you charging the phone using a wall socket, with the charger and cable that was included together with your phone, or with the original cable and a USB port?

If you turn the phone off and charge it, do you experience that the device heats up as well, you can also reboot the phone in safe mode that @nolramlb recommended, in safe mode third party applications will not be loaded, just to make sure that they aren't the cause of this.

Regarding the battery being discharged quickly, is this something that you have started to notice in the last couple of days as well, or has it been like this for a while longer?

For me to be able to assist you in the best possible way regarding your battery usage, could you please charge the phone to 100% and use it as normal down to 5-10% and then go into Settings > Power management > Battery usage and take a few screenshots of this menu and get back to me with them.

To take a screenshot, press the ON/OFF button and tap on "Take screenshot".

Let me know how it goes! Slightly_smiling_Face