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File Commander displaying abusive adds


File Commander displaying abusive adds

Ok, so this one is getting me mad!
File commander comes standard with Xperia device's.
It is my only way of accessing my storage and I can't delete it, just deactivate it.
Now I'm getting bombarded with advertisements in this app, pop ups and even loud advertisement videos starting poping up!!
It's a big shame that an app that comes pre-defined from a Sony device and it's fundamental for its usage bombards us with adverts!!
Is it possible to reach Sony on this issue? What can I do?! Imagine if IPhone had imesseger displaying adds?! It would be a shame! I paid for this phone and want clean basic apps!


I understand what you mean and it's valuable feedback @Rangel96! Luckily, the beauty of Android is that you can make your device truly yours by adapting and customizing it to your liking. I mentioned earlier in the thread that there is an ad-free alternative by using the native Explorer, but there are also third party alternatives available through the Play Store should you not like File Commander. Slightly_smiling_Face