Share your experience!
One application - Waypoint navigator - let's you see the screen full time.????
Games and Similar applications that require key presses, are obviously devoid ( those I got/use )
Mostly though it goes blank, to save the charge in the battery, for anything / everything.
( Not tried car charger - home charger doesn't )
This is my newest phone for 5 years, and this option is missing from the OS !!!! - the option to set a time, an idle time, before the screen goes off.
( was google maps 3 an after thought ? cannot rely on wife to be co-pilot either )
Don't see any updates - no post/help/support here ( whole of SE's site), and the YodaFone manual is just as useless.
(was a w715, now it'sVodaBloatFree w705* <-that didn't fix-this issue either
PLEASE MAKE an update for all of us. (default=as it is now, on for 5min, until 15% battery left, on when open, . . . )
PM me if you can help B4 the updates materialize:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Htc blueangel, incase you were wondering.
Thanks in advance
Well last night I got a Water Level App from SE's play now mobile site (UK ? )
anyway I was having a good laugh exploring it, minimized it, and now the screen wakes up ( if the slider is open / unlocked ?)
now I can use my phone like it was origionally designed. Not wearing the slider out to see the time ( just tap the table )
The Update would be so easy, but would detract someone from the needed android update .
hope that helps ( get it now, while it's free ) - ĐŘƠİĐ ♫ d˚͜˚b ♫