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Bluetooth & Contact List Help.

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Bluetooth & Contact List Help.

Plzzz. help us for some bugs, display driver updates & mainly the storing of files in Sub-directory.

Q4:- Contact cannot be sorted by First name Lastname in Xperia X2....

Q3:- In MS Word/Excel, I cannot store files in Sub-directory which is a bad point. Help me urgently in this as my business documents are well stored in SEP990i but not in Xperia X2.

Q2:- In my SEP990i I had an option to store as many Mobile numbers for 1 contact & that feature is not htere in Xperia X2.

Q1:- Where do the Bluetooth received files go in Xperia X2 / which is the bluetooth files received directory. Pls help.

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You can find the BT files by tabbing Start > File Explorer > This Device > My Documents.

If you create a folder called My Excel Files (example), then inside that folder you can create as many folders you like.

I have contacts stored some by first name others by last name. No problem.

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Q2 :   You Are right you can not enter more than one Mobile number for one person, you can use any empty field - car tel OR radio tel - to enter the second mobile number.

Q4 :   You can adjust how do the Contact name appear in the Contact list from the MS Outlook Option on you PC and not from the X2,

          you can make contacts appear by first name or by Last name.

Good Luck