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Sixth Issue: Is nice that Sony Ericsson has some suggestions to improve battery life but I don't think they are useful
""( The first two are no brainer
To decrease the brightness of the screen:
To turn off Bluetooth™:
Other useful tips to maximise battery performance:
* Only use location services when needed.
(that's great if Issue number 3 is fixed)
* Turn off push email and synchronise your mailboxes manually.
(Again this wont drained as much battery as Timescape, lets face it, hardly anyone use timescape and if you happen to use it, TS will drain your battery quite fast unless you dont get updates often which defeats the purpose of Timescape)
* Minimise the use of third-party applications.
(Third party apps could outperform some SE apps but the again is good to double check the app before installing them)
* Charge your phone often. The battery lasts longer if you charge it frequently.
(Its a hazle to must carry the charger at all times because battery life sucks)
* If you are in an area with no coverage, your phone repeatedly scans for available networks. This consumes power. If you can't move to an area with better coverage, turn off your phone temporarily or use Flight mode.
(another no brainer that will drain more battery but again it defeats the purpose of a mobile phone which is to stay connected specially if its part of their campaing)
* Turn off 3G, Bluetooth™ wireless technology and the Wi-Fi™ connection when you do not need these functions.
(I understand Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, but turning 3G off? its a smarphone, checking emails, MMS, watching videos, streaming music is all part of the smarphone experience and again specially if is part of X10's campaing)
* Don't cover the phone antenna when you are engaged in a call or when transferring data. The antenna is located at the back of phone
(It'll be helpful if we know the exact location of the antena, since the antena does not cover the whole back)
* Browse the web with Wi-Fi™ rather than mobile data networks, and turn off Wi-Fi™ when not in use.
(this is true in a secure hotspot)
* Close running applications when not in use.
(again a no brainer, even if is not for battery life reasons, if you keep 8 apps open the X10 gets really slow and glitchy
We need a phone that has 3G, GPS, w/o having to carry the charger all the time, perhaps more apps from Sony Ericsson besides Creatouch
holsteinson wrote:
Buy a real 3G phone.... Blackberry or iPhone LOL and give the X10 as a gift to your worst enemy
Let me fix that for you
Buy a real 3G phone.... Blackberry or iPhone4 (lmfao) and give the X10 as a gift to your worst enemy, to show him/her what a dork they were for buying something else
See, much better!
And I call 'off topic' on your post - as it's got nothing to do with the question the poster raised.
Getting back to that - there's an interesting couple of posts on xda-dev where folks who've rooted and then "pared" (i.e. removed unwanted apps that they couldn't via the app manager) their phones have noticed an increase in battery life. E.g. some comments that removing Timescape made a (slight?) positive difference.
why is it not convenient?
You can swap batteries in less than a minute and they are small/light enough to fit in your pocket or wallet.
I have no real issue with battery life. I keep it on charge at home, I plug it in when I'm driving the car so when I arrive somewhere it's got a full charge. If I'm going to be away from any form of electrical supply for more than 8 hours and I'm going to be using the phone a lot then I carry a spare battery
Use JuiceDefender(from Android market) for better battery performances :smileyhappy:. I use one and i felt its really useful
you just answered my question, it's not convenient because you will have to buy and carry extra items just to keep your phone running, a top of the line flagship smartphone by a company like Sony Ericsson shouldn't have this issue. why would you have to keep your phone costantly charging or with a spare battery just in care you want to use a smart MOBILE phone as a smart mobile phone, GPS, 3G, etc features shouldnt have to be turned off just to keep the phone running for couple more hours, not even a whole day, or by dimming the screen so you can't really see anything if you're out doors.
hang on... can you please point to me which big screen phone (not only smartphones) can outlast a 12 hour span?
uliwooly wrote:
you just answered my question, it's not convenient because you will have to buy and carry extra items just to keep your phone running, a top of the line flagship smartphone by a company like Sony Ericsson shouldn't have this issue. why would you have to keep your phone costantly charging or with a spare battery just in care you want to use a smart MOBILE phone as a smart mobile phone, GPS, 3G, etc features shouldnt have to be turned off just to keep the phone running for couple more hours, not even a whole day, or by dimming the screen so you can't really see anything if you're out doors.
Sorry, what you're saying is really dumb - have you actually thought about what exactly you're complaining about in that posting?
While I personally can't see the point of turning off 3G on a phone, the rest of the stuff is all optional. What's the point of having WiFi looking for your router if you're 50 miles away from it at work, similarly what's the point of having GPS on if you're not using location based apps (navigation, camera, etc) or Bluetooth if you're not connecting a headset, keyboard etc to it? It's elementary to say that these are all circuits that require power to run, so it's equally obvious that turning them off when not in use will extend the life of the battery. Apart from anything else, turning off BT and Wifi when you're not using them is probably a good idea for security reasons.
Do you phone up your power company and complain that you're getting large bills because you're leaving your PS3/Xbox, Plasma TV, heating, aircon, etc on all the time? No - of course not - that would be silly wouldn't it? And before you heatedly point out that this having-to-switch-off-features is SonyE's fault - let me tell you that I've had to do the same thing on Nokia's, Apple's, etc - ALL smartphones are the same, using power-hungry features drain the finite battery resource. We're not at the stage of those folks in Apollo 13 were, but you still have to be sensible.
Oh, and I make sure I can see the screen - not much good as a phone otherwise. :smileygrin:
I use a Task Killer, and don't leave GPS or Bluetooth switched on and get 2-3 days of running - even with a Twitter client running over WiFi or 3G most of the time, plus some texting, web browsing, etc. That seems pretty acceptable and certainly in line with what colleagues with Galaxy's or iPhone4's are getting. That said, the lil' Nokia 2330 "dumbphone" I've got as a work's issue gets more than a week between charges. Sign me up for the first smartphone that can do that! To be honest I only need the GPS (a notorious power sink) when I'm in the car - in which case I've got a cradle and charger anyway, so it's actually quite convenient to dock the X10 and get it topped up while the nav app is running. Oh, and it's nice to see that, like my old N95, the X10 seems to be able to get faster intial GPS fixes if it's got 'mains' (car or wall socket) power.
Dudes... cool down. Each of your points are valid and you are entitled to your own opinions. Please don't blow this thing skyhigh, we have a more common enemy at hand.... ironically, it is SE and its constant delay to deliver Android 2.1,
Please cool down and stop the name calling. 'Else the thread might get lock down by one of the moderators.