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Sixth Issue: Is nice that Sony Ericsson has some suggestions to improve battery life but I don't think they are useful
""( The first two are no brainer
To decrease the brightness of the screen:
To turn off Bluetooth™:
Other useful tips to maximise battery performance:
* Only use location services when needed.
(that's great if Issue number 3 is fixed)
* Turn off push email and synchronise your mailboxes manually.
(Again this wont drained as much battery as Timescape, lets face it, hardly anyone use timescape and if you happen to use it, TS will drain your battery quite fast unless you dont get updates often which defeats the purpose of Timescape)
* Minimise the use of third-party applications.
(Third party apps could outperform some SE apps but the again is good to double check the app before installing them)
* Charge your phone often. The battery lasts longer if you charge it frequently.
(Its a hazle to must carry the charger at all times because battery life sucks)
* If you are in an area with no coverage, your phone repeatedly scans for available networks. This consumes power. If you can't move to an area with better coverage, turn off your phone temporarily or use Flight mode.
(another no brainer that will drain more battery but again it defeats the purpose of a mobile phone which is to stay connected specially if its part of their campaing)
* Turn off 3G, Bluetooth™ wireless technology and the Wi-Fi™ connection when you do not need these functions.
(I understand Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, but turning 3G off? its a smarphone, checking emails, MMS, watching videos, streaming music is all part of the smarphone experience and again specially if is part of X10's campaing)
* Don't cover the phone antenna when you are engaged in a call or when transferring data. The antenna is located at the back of phone
(It'll be helpful if we know the exact location of the antena, since the antena does not cover the whole back)
* Browse the web with Wi-Fi™ rather than mobile data networks, and turn off Wi-Fi™ when not in use.
(this is true in a secure hotspot)
* Close running applications when not in use.
(again a no brainer, even if is not for battery life reasons, if you keep 8 apps open the X10 gets really slow and glitchy
We need a phone that has 3G, GPS, w/o having to carry the charger all the time, perhaps more apps from Sony Ericsson besides Creatouch
After a couple of weeks of use with the newest update R2..023 then 026 my battery life has been sooooo much better.
I use the 'Quick Settings' app from the market and do turn off wi-fi and bluetooth when not using them. The rest I leave alone ie 3g and GPS. I don't have the screen very bright but again can quickly change that with the above app when outside in bright light.
'Don't use 3rd party apps' Once again Sony are hilarious... release an android phone but say don't use 3rd party apps. OMG! Sorry but isn't that the point. Plus why fill your phone with useless bloat ware that we can't delete without rooting (which is all a bit toooo scary for me)
I have got a Task Killer, but I'm having a weekend of not killing just to see if it makes much difference as many people have said that the android system can run itself quite happily. I used to use Juice Defender but stopped after the battery life improved on the last update.
On a quiet day I can have 50+ % left, on a busy on with lots of Youtube watching by my son, many texts, reading emails and facebooking and general browsing it is in the 20's somewhere. The only day I killed it entirely was using loads of video on a day out then using the gps and google maps to navigate us home from being a bit 'geographically misplaced' after a stupid diversion petered out in the middle of no where - fortunately we were back on familiar territory when it died.
Thanks I will try the app, my battery life hasn't improved after the update, Google maps drains a LOT of battery, I wonder if the same happen to other androids or just X10, My tracks is an awesome app but again kills the battery quickly. If SE won't release faster updates they should give us root access.
External battery or flexible solar panel charger should come with the X10i since it is very reduced battery time when used as marketed!
" Google maps drains a LOT of battery, I wonder if the same happen to other androids or just X10,"
I think you'll find that all Android phones suffer from this. I know from experience that CoPilot on 'droid is actually more of a power drain, and it's just the same on Symbian Series 60, (I migrated from a Nokia N95 to my X10)
If you're going to use Google Maps in your car (and why not, imho it's just as good as a budget sat-nav) then cradle and power supply are a must. One thing I'm going to try is to see whether I can pair my X10 with an external (Bluetooth) GPS box. It strikes me that BT might be less of a drain than GPS, and the GPS box I've got is about the same size as a box of matches, so it's not a hassle to bring it with me.
I'd agree with most of what Sony's saying, here's what I do:
1. Leave the phone on all the time - stopping and restart seems to really drain the battery;
2. If you've got an update, (a) wait until you've got Wifi available and use that (it's also faster!), and (b) preferably use a charger while you do the update (that's an old Linux laptop recommendation);
3. Avoid using Timescape - it seems to use a lot of CPU and does a lot of network access. I only use SMS and Twitter, so I use the Messaging app and I've got Twidroyd for tweets;
4. Turn off the camera light unless you need it;
5. Install a Task Killer - I use ATK and my battery life has gone up when I did. Sometime I'll have to Google to find out why the heck ATK shows stuff that I've never used (e.g. Moxier Mail) launching itself into memory;
6. Turn off background syncs for as much as possible - especially contacts, and maybe Calendar. Then set the auto-brightness and reduce the screen off time.
7. Keep up to date - the RB2A020 update that I got was great - responsiveness went up and battery consumption went down.
Good news is that Eclair is supposed to improve life again, and Froyo adds yet more power economies. So if SE deliver 2.1 to the current timescale then that'll be great.
or buy a couple of spare batteries - I bought two Sony ones for £3 each a few weeks ago
Buy a real 3G phone.... Blackberry or iPhone LOL and give the X10 as a gift to your worst enemy
hahahha funny, that's not quite convenient. and only for $3 wow that's cheap.
Yes. Switch the darn device off all the time! lol
Blackberry is only truly acceptable in the USA and Canada, elsewhere in the world, it has hardly taken off.
i(diot's)Phone.... need I say more.