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Sony Bravia KD-49X8309C will not power on sometimes



I've had the TV (KD-49X8309C) for little over 4 years now pretty trouble free, however this week it has started playing up. The set is normally left on standby therefore not powered off at the socket. Earlier this week the TV would not come out of standby after a few attempts with the remote and the buttons on the rear of the TV. I powered this off and it would not power back on. So I moved it to get a spare TV. I left the power disconnected for an hour or so and plugged it back in a different socket and then it powered up. So I moved it back to its original socket and it came on fine, so tried unplugging and re-plugging in and again nothing. After a while it powered back on after switching the socket on and off about 10 minutes, but would only show the Sony logo, this faded out and would not go any further to the Android logo. 


After a number of powering off and on I could get the set to load past the Sony logo. If I power it off it can take a lot of attempts to get this to load up. Last night I left it on standby and which it came on fine this morning. I have then tried to unplug it and then plug it back and now it won't even load the Sony logo at all with no LED or anything. I have tried leaving this off and unplugged for about 15 minutes but still won't power up. Sometimes when the Sony logo came on the LED didn't, if the LED came on then it would start the Android load screen and start up OK.


I'm not convinced this is the power supply board, although I'm no expert. Question is, if this is the power supply board I could probably get one and fit it, but if it's the A board or main board then this could be more costly and perhaps not a feasible cost effective fix. 


Is anyone able to offer any advice?

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