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When you raise a support case in the UK does Sony ever respond?

I have got a problem with my BD-4500 BlueRay, the firmware update procedure does not work.  I an hoping an update will resolve some anoying bugs especially around controller device connectivity via HDMI.  I am stuck at version firmware 14 and version 18 is reported to solve connectivity issues.  I raised a case (14750040) but no one has ever contacted me by phone or email.  It really anoys me when you have to spend time filling lots of forms on the web to raise an issue and it turns out you are just posting into to a black hole, in effect the web page is just a facard to waste even more of your time on a bad purchase.


In contrast I also had a problem with my mobile phone recently, the Apple support was amazing, the person, Marina, really knew her stuff.  My service award scores


Sony: 0


Shame on you Sony.

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