
BBC channels causing restart on KDL-32S5500 TV

Hi there


Our TV, a KDL-32S5500, keeps restarting itself. This happens when it is first switched on and tuned to a BBC channel, or when it is changed from another channel to a BBC channel. It happens about after about 10 seconds, after which it is fine, unless it is changed to another BBC channel, when this restart happens again, after 10 seconds. It doesn't seem to happen for other channels, or when set to an HDMI feed from a PVR, displaying any channel.

This has only started to happen in the past year. The firmware version is M3.211, and it is supposed to keep itself up to date over the aerial. I do not know what the latest firmware version number is supposed to be though to check, or how to force an update.


Anyone know what is causing this? Thanks for any replies.

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