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stuck in loop when trying to link my account (Sony essential account) to bluray

Just a quick one. I'm stuck in a loop when trying to link my accounts from bluray (370) video unlimited. I get the registration code from the device,  go on line,  go to my dash board to register and link the device,  then get 'you need to link your essential account to continue ' I don't have a essential account. So click 'i don't have one' it then takes me back to the registration screen, without registering the device! I can't set up a new essentials account as they are obsolete (well linked to psn account).  I even ttried the forgot password to see if I had one set up. (I've had the same email for over 10 years, and is the only one I use and nothing comes through with a password reminder)  anyone else have this problem.  Thanks in advance. 

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