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lot of space occupied on hard disk


lot of space occupied on hard disk

I have a Vaio NR laptop, which has a 200 gb HD. It
has three partitions, one 10 GB recovery partition,
one 70 GB linux partition and a 120 GB partition which
has the original windows instalation.

The problem
is that in this 120 partition which has the original
vaio instalation. It says that I have
already 43 GB of data. When I go from folder to folder
in the C: drive, program files are taking 3 GB, users
another 3GB and windows about 9 GB. With some other
stuff I can only find that about 15GB are being used.
I don't understand why the system displays that 43 GB
are being used.
Any hint?


Hi leandromartinez98,
Try the TuneUp Utilities 2007...

I have a Vaio NR laptop, which has a 200 gb HD. It 
has three partitions, one 10 GB recovery partition,
one 70 GB linux partition and a 120 GB partition which
has the original windows instalation.

The problem
is that in this 120 partition which has the original
vaio instalation. It says that I have
already 43 GB of data. When I go from folder to folder
in the C: drive, program files are taking 3 GB, users
another 3GB and windows about 9 GB. With some other
stuff I can only find that about 15GB are being used.
I don't understand why the system displays that 43 GB
are being used.
Any hint?

Hello Leandro, are you checking the Size of the file or Size on the disk?
There's a difference between those 2 things.
You should always consider the size on disk because it's the real size that a file occupies.

For example, if you create a txt file and type only one character in it, the file size will be 1 byte but the size that it occupies on the disk is actually 4096bytes. It's a matter of the OS file system characteristics. Nothing wrong with it! :slight_smile:

Hi luisram,

I'm going to answer you in portuguese...i hope you understand...

No disco C:\ crie a pasta C:\ Temp
Nas propriedades do sistema em Avançadas - Variáveis do Ambiente vá às variáveis de utilizador...edit a variável TEMP e mude para TEMP -C:\Temp
de seguida edit a variável TMP e mude para C:\Temp
clique OK

Vá pasta Temp que criou no disco C:\ e apague todos os ficheiros..
Semanalmente (faço isto todos os dias) apague todos os ficheiros que se encontram nesta pasta...

Vai ver que o seu disco diminui substancialmente de tamanho...

Caro leandromartinez98,

Seja bem vindo ao ClubVaio.

Este fórum dedica-se a usuários que falam português. Por favor, use este idioma, ou terei que remover seu tópico para o fórum em inglês.

Fica aqui registrado o aviso.

Quanto a limpeza do Hard Disk, a ferramenta indicada no link irá ajudá-lo...

Este programa é bem simples de ser usado e faz a limpeza de arquivos temporários e outros tipos de "lixo" que consomem espaço em disco.

Eu o tenho instalado em meus computadores. É ótimo e não custa nada.


Quanto a quantidade de espaço utilizado... é um mistério do Windows Vista que eu já ví muitas pessoas reclamando...

Case Closed.

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: