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XL-201 Media Centre and Bravia LCD (and IR blaster)

XL-201 Media Centre and Bravia LCD (and IR blaster)

Hi everyone - hope someone can help here.

Simple one first - the small IR "eye" which plugs into either of the 2 IR transmitter out ports on the back (why out?) is perhaps for the IR keyboard (but I think there's an "eye" on the front panel for this). It's called the "IR blaster" in the UGuide - what exactly is its function?

Secondly, and the much more serious issue, relates to using a new Bravia 2530 HD 32" LCD TV as a display. I get a very poor PC image using all the NVidia 7600GTL resolutions that are available - especially the fonts. I think I noticed this problem posted a while back, before I bought my setup.

Using the HDMI connection, I get an excellent, perfectly stable PC image on my Dell 1920x1200 monitor and the TV image is good, even on an analogue signal, when using this monitor.

I'm frankly amazed that a Sony media centre, designed to be used with a TV from the outset, won't talk directly to a Sony TV of exactly the same (2007) vintage and do a job I would have assumed it would do brilliantly but, in fact, does so badly - especially when other another manufacturer's display works so well. Perhaps there's a screen driver available somewhere?

Any ideas please, anyone?



Hi Andy,

The IR Blaster is a device for changing the channels on a satelite set top box using the single Media Centre Remote that comes with the Vaio.

Have a look HERE


Thanks again Blencogo; interesting that Sony supply the cable but give no info on how to use it (that I could find anyway) and that you had to direct me to a MS MCE area.

Still trying to work out how the MCE remote could trigger a channel change on my (Sky) box but, as I'm happy using the Sky remote still, I'm wondering if the change is worthwhile.

As and when I see the changes that Vista introduces for the MC funcions I'll decide how to procede with the IR blaster.

Any chance of a gem of advice re the Bravia display, some people say they get very good PC results on their LCDs but mine compares very badly with my Dell 1920x1200 (which the Bravia is supposed also to be)?

Incidentally, I have Ulpha connections - you may understand what that means!


Hi Andy,

Just in case someone thought the Ulpha Connections were something you plug into your HDMI socket !!

:smileygrin: :smileygrin: :smileygrin:

This review says (in Nov 2006 issue - available September) just what I did above. Don't Sony try to resolve problems that are publicly aired for months - or perhaps they just can't produce a Media Centre that's meant to be used for TVs that works properly.
