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i find this error very often in my media center eventlog. I have problems on waking up my system from standby. It hangs and I need to do a reboot.
Any ideas? Or people sharing this problem?
I use vista!
Ereignisinformationen: ERROR: SqmApiWrapper.TimerAccumulate failed; Win32 GetLastError returned 10000105 Prozess: DefaultDomain Objektname: Media Center Guide
The error is probably caused by MediaCentre trying to update the TV Program Guide from the internet before the Internet connection is active.
Have you installed Hotfix KB933872?
Have you also installed the Hotfixes for Performance and Stability?
Thanks, for your reply.
I have installed
since this was provided by autoupdate.
I additionally installed
Hotfix KB933872 since you recommended it. I hope it will help 😃
Can you tell your Power-Saving settings? And your bios settings. Because I have problems on wakeup. Sometimes I only see black and with lines and the system kind of hangs until I do a reboot. Have you experience the same problems? This is actually the point where I started to investigate in the eventlog and found the error message I have posted before....
thanks for the help...